Tom Clancy's The Division - Discussion Thread

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Will get this game soon.I have been waiting for it for long. All those who are playing or will play this game later can put their IDs here along with the choice of platform.
I played this game at firends' place yesterday and what a bore! same enemies over and over. " Hey player! go here and get the serum!" "hey player! go there and kill those paddy bastards"
And all enemies look the same! and they take so many bullets! so many bullets to kill! enemies do use tactics though and thats the only thing I liked in this game
anybody playing this? Not a bad game for a co-op. Even if it was downgraded it still is visually stunning. Online random co-op is okay too. Played more than an hour & it seems like a good coop game.
anybody playing this? Not a bad game for a co-op. Even if it was downgraded it still is visually stunning. Online random co-op is okay too. Played more than an hour & it seems like a good coop game.
Have to say the game is designed for coop. If you have the right players with you, Its really enjoyable. Im still playing at level 16 currently. Too bad though the matchmaking players dissappear, cant ever add them for the future..
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