Doom3 scared the sh*t out of me unlike any other game, it could be the setting, the sound and definitely the game it self... I remember more than "oh sh*t" moments, I had "OH F**K" moments in that one.
The list is good...Psycho mantis should have been higher on the list
But i do agree with no 1....acutally the entire game is WTF??
The game says that u have to kill these giant monsters that roam the land..u and ur awesome steed go to to cliff and u climb over it and see.....WTF IS THAT SHIT...HOW DO I KILL THAT...ITS HUGE!!!!!
Doom3 was claustrophobic and I couldnt play it for more than 30min at a stretch. I mean I could... but I stopped enjoying it after the first 20min of every session... it had too many "oh sh1t" moments in closed dark spaces...
Return To castle Wolfeinstein(RTCW) is one of the first games I played ever. It was really scary with those Zombies coming from no were,etc,,,,etc. But, I never sayed "oh s**t".
I often say "oh s**t" playing Pro Evolution Soccer when my opponent(Player 2) scores me/ When I miss a Goal by Inch/ When I am offerd a RED card/etc
Sometimes NFS and sometime GTA, apparently for the same reason - driving the vehicle on wrong side, crashed into the one coming from opposite direction.
:cheers: :Car3:[Don't drink and drive]
In AOE also when I pretended to be a braveheart:2guns: and sent all my forces to attack.. leaving no one to defend.... I lost that game:bleh: