Top Ten “Oh S**t†Moments in Gaming

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I “Oh S**t” in most of my games... especially Mario when i accidently make him plunge in the pit. :rofl:

Its so freakin annoying to listen to the pathetic music once he dies. :@
one such such moment i can remember even to this day was the kotor revan revelation. they're becoming increasingly rare these days sadly.
Roxtin said:
How can that be missing Doom3 and FEAR

Yeah the fist pink colored monster comes breaking the wall with pipes, that was pure "oh $hit" moment of doom3.

Still remember the scare-o-meter hitting its peak. :)
Doom3 scared the sh*t out of me unlike any other game, it could be the setting, the sound and definitely the game it self... I remember more than "oh sh*t" moments, I had "OH F**K" moments in that one. :P
spindoctor said:
one such such moment i can remember even to this day was the kotor revan revelation. they're becoming increasingly rare these days sadly.

My thoughts exactly. Nothing has ever come close to that moment. "HOLY SHIT" it was indeed :)
The list is good...Psycho mantis should have been higher on the list

But i do agree with no 1....acutally the entire game is WTF??

The game says that u have to kill these giant monsters that roam the land..u and ur awesome steed go to to cliff and u climb over it and see.....WTF IS THAT SHIT...HOW DO I KILL THAT...ITS HUGE!!!!!
What about Fear and Doom3.

Doom3 was claustrophobic and I couldnt play it for more than 30min at a stretch. I mean I could... but I stopped enjoying it after the first 20min of every session... it had too many "oh sh1t" moments in closed dark spaces...
^True that! Doom3 was scary indeed. I'd a measly low-end 2.1 Creative Inspire speakers at the time when I played the game. :P

The pinky-debut was one of the many oh-shite moments in the game.
Return To castle Wolfeinstein(RTCW) is one of the first games I played ever. It was really scary with those Zombies coming from no were,etc,,,,etc. But, I never sayed "oh s**t".

I often say "oh s**t" playing Pro Evolution Soccer when my opponent(Player 2) scores me/ When I miss a Goal by Inch/ When I am offerd a RED card/etc:P
Sometimes NFS and sometime GTA, apparently for the same reason - driving the vehicle on wrong side, crashed into the one coming from opposite direction.

:cheers: :Car3:[Don't drink and drive]

In AOE also when I pretended to be a braveheart:2guns: and sent all my forces to attack.. leaving no one to defend.... I lost that game:bleh:
i had most of my OH SHIT moments during serious sam when those horses came n beheaded creatures running towards u screaming !!!!!
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