Torn between Android and WP

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im a tinkernut


U have a O2X ,right ?
#Renegade Gmaps Pro pings latitude for me. Haven't had any issues with that. WhatsApp is terribly buggy on WP7. What phone are you using ?

The good old Samsung Focus and the Android phone at home is the Xperia Neo-V.

I have gmaps pro too. Bought it as it is the closed thing to google maps.
yea.. whatsapp and a few apps really struggle on the 1st gen WP7 phones.

offtopic : how do some of you define yourself as a 'power user' ? gauging response for a report i'm working on. Being able to shift around icons and widgets on a homescreen really won't be a power user thing IMO. Looking for genuine answers , and if the reply is flashing custom ROMs.. i'd also like to know why you feel the need to do that ! Thanks !
I was in same boat for a long time and check my signature now

1 day WP7 and Android the next day

Personally like the WP7 for their apps implementation and animations.. Very smooth compared to Android.

Also I found BING maps is way better that google maps at this point of time (may be bcz i use custom roms)..
I was in same boat for a long time and check my signature now

From my limited knowledge, and what I saw, dual booting any phone results in the non native OS performing very slowly.

Not too sure if this is true in your case. If not then kudos
From my limited knowledge, and what I saw, dual booting any phone results in the non native OS performing very slowly.

Not too sure if this is true in your case. If not then kudos

True. But not much difference.. For me WP7 is super smooth
and Android is lil laggy :/ (due to class 2 SD card as android boots from it). No major issues though..

As per my experience, irrespective of OS you will satisfied. Both are amazing OS..

I personally prefer WP7, based on my experience so far... Yet to try iOS..

All the best for your purchase..
I thought you were waiting for 6 months!?!!

Other than the interface, Nokia 701 instead of 710 - serves all your needs! Poor Symbian, I may the only one to buy it after all (6 months!)!!
True story! Battery life could be better, but I suppose I could sacrifice that in having the most epic phone on the market :lol:g

Legendry phone
For better battery life, Android is the way to go as unlike android WP7 constantly clocked at 998Mhz
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