Oh yeah.
with exeem turning out to be a pretty big damp squib(atleast in the beta stage) with heck of a lot of spyware and even more fakes than on a "non anti-fake" network(read normal network) , torrentspy looks like a nice alternative(not an alternative but atleast it looks like its serving some good purpose unlike exxem.
This ones seems to have some nice features:
The intent behind TorrentSpy is to give the BitTorrent power-user all the information they can get in one place. The primary motivating feature is the ability to see in real time the current number of complete/incomplete users on a torrent. The other neat feature is the ability to see which of your files in a multi-file torrent are complete and which are not. It can easily be set up to work as the default .torrent application, so that you will always know the status before you start your download. It gives you quick shortcuts to related Tracker web interfaces, and it's got a smattering of other fine features.
TorrentSpy is not meant to replace the normal BitTorrent client, only to suppliment it. It will never have integrated downloading or anything remotely like that.
Here are some screenshots showing what it is about. I guess this is a far better tool to have for fak checking and general use then all the stupid beta clients making the round. And best of all its free and 100% spyware free.... yeah.... how nice to hear those words after exeem...
For details on the features see this page
with exeem turning out to be a pretty big damp squib(atleast in the beta stage) with heck of a lot of spyware and even more fakes than on a "non anti-fake" network(read normal network) , torrentspy looks like a nice alternative(not an alternative but atleast it looks like its serving some good purpose unlike exxem.
This ones seems to have some nice features:
The intent behind TorrentSpy is to give the BitTorrent power-user all the information they can get in one place. The primary motivating feature is the ability to see in real time the current number of complete/incomplete users on a torrent. The other neat feature is the ability to see which of your files in a multi-file torrent are complete and which are not. It can easily be set up to work as the default .torrent application, so that you will always know the status before you start your download. It gives you quick shortcuts to related Tracker web interfaces, and it's got a smattering of other fine features.
TorrentSpy is not meant to replace the normal BitTorrent client, only to suppliment it. It will never have integrated downloading or anything remotely like that.
Here are some screenshots showing what it is about. I guess this is a far better tool to have for fak checking and general use then all the stupid beta clients making the round. And best of all its free and 100% spyware free.... yeah.... how nice to hear those words after exeem...

For details on the features see this page