Total PSP noob !! Help !!

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47Shailesh said:
1. Get an good ear phone, IMO EP-630 is the best one to pick

2. Buy 'Horri' screen protector, buy a PSP case for carring PSP.

3. Buy PSP charger cum stand & A/V cable

Hey which mem card did you bought and how muc mem; also the damages

I already have a EP-630 so using that :D

Got a 4gb sandisk --1500bucks
i gave u the address rite get a 4.01 m33-2 with a 1.50 kernel add-on which is currently essential. dude leave an offline message if u need any more help..u got my id rite

1.5 kernel is only for Fat PSP, U Install 1.5 Kernel On FAT PSP N U LL BRICK IT

For slims 3.90M33-3 is enough.... though TimeMachine 0.1 is recommended
i installed 4.01 m33-2 on slim psp. it works better than 3.90 psp is unable to detect some iso's.1.50kernel upgrade is only for fat psp
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I know all of you all have seen this query 100 times, BUt for me this is the first time,

My friend is getting me a PSP from dubai, Is there any place in dubai from which you can get a flashed one??

Also is there any place in bangalore where you can get this done, I asked around and they are quoting too much 1K :S

Please help
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