Total War Games

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any idea about price and place to buy for the following games (@ chennai or any online retail):

Rome: Total War Anthology

Medieval II: Total War Gold Edition

- if anyone has these games and want to sell please pm
spindoctor said:
you can get them on steam.

rome total war gold is 10$

Package: Rome: Total War - Complete

m2 total war will cost more though

base game is 20$

Medieval II: Total War on Steam

and it's expansion is another 15$

Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms on Steam

and in case you didn't know, empire total war released in india for 1000 bucks, which is much cheaper than buying it in dollars. i think rome: tw released here as well, but not sure about it.

rome total war gold is 10$ - its a super deal

I check in; RTW,RTW expansions and MTW 2 cost 299 each .gold or anthology is not available. ETW cost 999..these are legit game - although not confirmed from the seller
yep i got rome:tw gold from steam. 10$ is cheap awesome for such a great game. also picked up empire from retail for 800 bucks.
spindoctor said:
yep i got rome:tw gold from steam. 10$ is cheap awesome for such a great game. also picked up empire from retail for 800 bucks.

Have you tried the Rome Total Realism Pack ? I installed it last night and its change the game and campaign entirely
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