41-50k Touchscreen Laptop

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Party Monger

Hi, looking for a good touchscreen laptop. Preferably Dell.

Specifics -
1) Between 30-50k. Cheaper the better. No problem with AMD as longs as it vfm.
2) Not a mobile processor. The U ones. I hear they are less capable
3) If possible run Xp in dual boot (dont need touch in xp, just a few proprietary softwares)
4) 14inch -17inch
5) Should have a numeric pad.

What are my options?
Any reason why you prefer Dell?

Asus and Lenovo are where you should be looking, but is there any specific reason for going with Dell?
Yes, Its served me pretty well. Most of their laptops are well supported in the market. There are videos incase you need to do some work yourself like change hinges, parts available on ebay. That said, I dont really like the current generation design. The rounded tops and plain jane covers are a bit too drab for me.

Asus is good and lenovo too. But I'm not very confident of how long they'l last and the support they have. They have too many models and you have to deal with stupid service center people.
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