Transcend MP320 Display Problem

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I got a new Transcend MP320 just yesterday! But today there are multiple vertical black bars on the display.I upgraded the FW but still the problem persists.Any help wud be appreciated.
P.S- I hope i posted it in the correct section.If not mods pls move the thread.
its not related to fw , its a indication of damaged LCD set, replace the same if its under RMA ,else can be replaced by any transcend tech staff !!!
if you purchased it in a shop then ask for replacement. if it is a online

purchase then return it. do not say that you tried upgrading firmware..
Took it to my retailer..and got screwed up! The serial number on the device and on the box were different:@
Finally i convinced him to send it to the service centre. He's telling it takes 15 days to replace or repair:crash:
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