Transplant Operation: Here Be Dragons


Global Moral Police
Doctor me ripped out some precious internals from my el-cheapo donor and transplanted them into a needy patient in a 3-hour marathon operation.

Pics of the gory procedure:

Sneak preview:

Dead giveaway:

The 3-hr procedure:

Receipt from the COO himself:

It so begins:

All the innards are out now:

R.I.P. dear Circle cabby old pal:

Proud of my cable mismanagement :D
Note the neon tube light at the bottom edge:

Health check! All vital signs are stable:

Trippy blue glow thanks to that neon light which, believe it not, I had lying around unopened since 2002, yes, since 8 yrs ago!


So this is the LanCool DragonLord PC-K56W of course. Got it from Phoenix and it got shipped from Mumbai to Pune in 24 hrs flat. There are a few minor annoyances not worth mentioning but this is definitely a good entry-level budget option for those who want a good cabby yet avoid spending too much for fancy ones :)
thanks guys...

haha yea @desecrator.. its like im a marketroid for the SSD companies eh? :D

@h2o - even i dont like such lights, especially if they're flashy/bright. if you see the last few pics, its actually pretty dim and the "window" actually faces away from me toward the wall, so its a very dim glow - that i do like :)

did i mention, this case at this price (even the basic non-window one @ about Rs. 4100+ ) is a truly excellent entry-level option for those who would normally never even bother with so-called "gaming" cabinets. im glad i got rid of my crappy Circle box.
edit: @Anubis: I actually had you on ignore list for a few days ahaha. Please stop PMing me incessantly and I promise I'll listen to your posts and try to respond to some of them if I have anything useful to say :p

Darky, I might have missed/forgotten your cabby post, can you post pics/link to your showoff (etc) of your cabby?