Travel Agencies in Chennai..... Help needed

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Hey all,
Hope all u TE ians r fine out there.... Am doin my final yr Engineering in SSN college of Engineering,Chennai... V r plannin for a Final yr tour to the north of India for abt 12 days... v hav heard abt Panicker,Trinity,Destination Asia.....:huh: Wud any 1 of u out ther suggest for any other travels that do good work...I require the contact details also.... Expectin replies soon...:)
Thankin u all
^ My class went for a tour to the North - Agra, Delhi, Shimla, Kullu Manali. Dont know the tour operator's name, but can find that out as well as how the trip went once they get back on Tuesday :)
best option is go by yourselves and no tour operators ...
just do enough research on sites like and others and you will be good to go ... you can see more places , it will be cheaper & you wont be restricted by the tour operators .... just my opinion

I and my friends when we were in college would just pack our backpacks & just leave for North , no fuss ... as long as you are in a big group , its cool ... just do good research before hand ...
Actually the problem with students down here is, not too many are fluent with Hindi. Plus just having a map may not get you around that easily, would be always nice to have someone knowing their way around.

Another important aspect I forgot to mention is that most students end up getting drunk on tour/losing 'direction' to the purpose of the tour. A tour operator would make sure that people keep up with the schedule and proceed around in a timely manner - if left to the students they'd be sitting passed out on a sidewalk , trust me :lol: .
hey ...
thanks for the suggestions so far.... crazy_eddy which coll is your frnd from ? get me the details after their return... and one more thing... the college gives permission anly after the full itenary n the travels in which v go... so goin by well known travels is important...
thanks TE ians
I went on a tour to Delhi, Agra, Shimla, Manali and Kulu in August.. class tour..

22 students + 1 staff member. cost per heard was Rs.3600. lack of strength due to placement fever in class. we were told the price per head could've come down to Rs.3000 if many more had come..

Best to go along with tour operators. Even if your classmates know Hindi, it'll be better of you go via tour operators, coz they know details about the place and all.
Even WITH a guide, we actually missed a few places because the guys in my class didnt do stuff on time..
We used Sakthi Tourism.. the guy said we'd get a 27 esater bus at Agra, but luckily the operator transferred out batch to another operator, and that guy had a 35 seater sleeper, so we had lots of place and it was great..

i do NOT recommend Sakthi tourism because of this uninformed tranfer to another operator, but i hear it does happen..
AND the guide took us to crappy shopping area in Delhi.. he dropped us off at an Electronics market when everyone wanted to go shopping for cheap clothes..

Well, i hope find a good tour operator.. have fun on your tour :)
Crazy_Eddy said:
^ My class went for a tour to the North - Agra, Delhi, Shimla, Kullu Manali. Dont know the tour operator's name, but can find that out as well as how the trip went once they get back on Tuesday :)

has ur frnd returned from he tour.... Wats the travels ? Cud u giv me the details n all..... Expectin replies soon.....
Hey, sorry dont have much info with me.

Yep, they are back from the tour - the tour operator name was Lotus Tourism (asked a friend for the contact details, will update once I get it)

I heard the accomodation was decent, however in places like Delhi it was a bit cramped as in they rented just 9 rooms for roughly 50 students (approx 5~6 students per room). Will get more details as to how it was if you're interested.
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