Tribler: A Next Generation Bittorrent Client?


The latest version of the “social†BitTorrent client Tribler integrates BitTorrent with YouTube while offering the best of both worlds: ease of use, browsing with thumbnails, HDTV quality, and Video on Demand support. The client uses an recommendation system to suggest what you might enjoy.

Some of the features of Tribler which set it apart from other BitTorrent clients are:
# Easy downloading: Moves P2P beyond keyword search, YouTube grid of thumbnails
# Recommendation and Friends: See what other people like, related files, find person with the same taste
# Video on Demand: When the download is on its way, you can use the integrated video player to start watching ASAP
# Wealth of content: Search both BitTorrent, Youtube, and Liveleak for content

Download the software here: Download

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