Trick to get unlimited traffic to your site

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These days every body need traffic for their website so that their site became popular and its hard to find traffic for free..

Well, here is a new awesome method to get free traffic and its an automatic method

So, lets start..

First of all, register here

After registering and conforming your email. Log in to your account.

Then you need to locate the 'Earn Traffic' button at the top of the homepage.

Once you click on it, you will be directed to a page that will earn you time credits.

Time credits means that for every minute you visit a site, you will get a minute of traffic to your site.

So, leave this page running for long periods of time so that you can get lots of minutes of traffic to spend on your website !!!

How to add traffic to your site?

Locate and click the 'My Sites' button at the top.

Click on 'Submit your website' button on the next page.

Then you can enter your website URL into the box and select the options that you would like for your traffic.

Remember that the more time that you select, the faster your time points goes away.

So, choose it wisely..

After you do that, you are ready to rock and roll !!!

Keep running the Earn Traffic page so that you always have a good amount of traffic time.

Even run it over night if you can for maximum time earned..

Enjoy your spam traffic
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