trimmer for shaving?

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check out ebay mate... you'll get the kind of deals you are looking for.... go for branded ones like philips if you want a good experience...

but to tell you the truth... nothing comes as close as the good ol single blade...
Mach III ftw :p

ANyways i also use a philips shaver which is probably the cheapest model.

Got it for 800 bucks.

Will post the model number here tomoro.
If you could spend a little more i would suggest a hitachi shaver comes around 1100 bucks but totally worth. The smoothness is better than the mach 3 . Other than that ifyou want wet shaving go for panasonic for 3.2k.
Dude, do you want an electric trimmer/shaver? I'd rather suggest not to go for a cheap local electric shaver atleast, you don't want those blades coming in close contact with your skin. Getting a local chinese trimmer is alright though, but NOT a shaver. If you're looking for an electric shaver, then Philips would be my recommendation.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a razor blade shaver, like everyone else is suggesting, I'd suggest you go for the Gillette Fusion, it's MUCH better than the Mach 3, it comes with 5 blades and a 6th blade for the sideburns, which is on the back. In addition, the Fusion Power is battery powered and emits "micropulses" that are claimed to increase razor glide.
ggt said:
If you could spend a little more i would suggest a hitachi shaver comes around 1100 bucks but totally worth. The smoothness is better than the mach 3 . Other than that ifyou want wet shaving go for panasonic for 3.2k.

which model do you have of hitachi........
I have the Philips Norelxo 7310 XL.. Total VFM. Don't trust crappy chinese ones for your skin!! Buy a good one else you are better off using Mach3 :)
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