True Blue Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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but anyways neither is our system future proof nor is his True Blue so i hope that those people who are against TB...gets it and in no offence.

What if TB team is caught ? does anyone know how to make eboot ? No Hence its bad idea to get TB.You are just depended on one single supplier and that too those cheap buggers cant release PSN games which they can i.e Journey
First i dont have a TB cause i can play the latest on my system. Second, what i meant is that one should buy a true blue if he does not have a system powerful enough to play the latest games or does not want to spend money on an upgrade. So is the case with rajveer or any other guy is that they do not want to invest in an upgrade. why will they when they can play all those games at the cost of 3k than upgrading their system which will at the least will come to around 15k. Now talking about if tb team gets screwed but..till then, they are releasing every possible game every other day/week right? How many eboots have they released 50-100 i guess? people can play all those latest games at the cost of 3000 man. If they get screwed the atleast there are games that guys can enjoy till they can sum up the money to afford an upgrade.

Hypothetical Situation: If i was on a Dual core system and i have a PS3. Max money i have is 5k What do you suggest is a better option? TB at 3k = Latest Games,No waiting and play the latest at the moment at Full HD or wait and wait and wait collect atleast 15-20k then upgrade and play the games and that too not on everything max in some games?

Take it into consideration that i don't agree if a guy has a powerful system yet buys a TB to play 1-2 games. Now that would be bullshit or the guys wasting money whatever.
First i dont have a TB cause i can play the latest on my system. Second, what i meant is that one should buy a true blue if he does not have a system powerful enough to play the latest games or does not want to spend money on an upgrade. So is the case with rajveer or any other guy is that they do not want to invest in an upgrade. why will they when they can play all those games at the cost of 3k than upgrading their system which will at the least will come to around 15k. Now talking about if tb team gets screwed but..till then, they are releasing every possible game every other day/week right? How many eboots have they released 50-100 i guess? people can play all those latest games at the cost of 3000 man. If they get screwed the atleast there are games that guys can enjoy till they can sum up the money to afford an upgrade.

Hypothetical Situation: If i was on a Dual core system and i have a PS3. Max money i have is 5k What do you suggest is a better option? TB at 3k = Latest Games,No waiting and play the latest at the moment at Full HD or wait and wait and wait collect atleast 15-20k then upgrade and play the games and that too not on everything max in some games?

Take it into consideration that i don't agree if a guy has a powerful system yet buys a TB to play 1-2 games. Now that would be bullshit or the guys wasting money whatever.

Precisely my point here. TB has released 100+ Games now. So for 3k playing 100 games in that value = 30bucks per game? Those who are buying good for them. Haters are always present.

And dinjo even if the team is caught we still have 100 NEW games to play. Trust me 100 is a lot. Me having a TB have not even completed 10 till now. So you can imagine how much time can you give on those games.
that is what i am saying. In those 100 atleast 30 MUST be there that you like even before you've played(read reviews,seen gameplay's etc) right? So untill you complete those 30+ the others you'll download and play. Even if TB team is caught or something you will have atleast 50 games to end and 50 games are a LOT! Till the time you end those games you update your system's hardware side by side. Believe me there will be a time when you will have that system up and top.
And then, TB can go to hell.
I don't agree with both of your theories if I wanted to play those 100 old games one can get jb king which at the moment runs all tb games we are still talking past here.

Why don't they release psn games ? Try to find this answer and you will realize what exactly is wrong with TB.
Ya then one should get JB king if it plays the same games. Listen #[member='dinjo'] i was not against any of you and i don't recommend True Blue to anyone, hell i don't even have it. I was only supporting rajveer for the position in which he is in. My main support was on this:

If one cannot afford a PC upgrade to play the latest game then one should go with a True that you've mentioned it one can go with a JB King. Therefore not on that, "one should only go with a True Blue Dongle if he does not want to upgrade his system" I Don't even know the difference between them. If Jb King does the same thing as True Blue and is cheaper than one should go with Jb king if he cannot afford an upgrade why waste it on TB when JB does the same job.

I hope you get my point sir.
I don't agree with both of your theories if I wanted to play those 100 old games one can get jb king which at the moment runs all tb games we are still talking past here.

Why don't they release psn games ? Try to find this answer and you will realize what exactly is wrong with TB.

Its their wish man. If they wanna release it or not. They never told you come buy our dongle. They made it people bought it thats it. They got the cash people got the games. Fair and square. If they would have let out the info for free TB team would be god now. But being a human why would i work for free? I work my a$$ out releasing those eboots for free? Why should i? I'm the one who will be facing law charges etc. People wont come and save me. Thats why the TB team charges for its services. You either buy it or dont as simple as that. There is no question asked. Did they come and tell anyone to please buy the dongle they did not they just released it people said fine we want games we pay 60$ End of story. It really does not matter what you think. The ball is in their court not yours not mine not anyones. You wanna play games go buy JB king but when it again gets blocked dont blame it on JB King then. Another reason explained for your JB king question. TB team is not forcing anyone to buy their dongle at the end of the day. About the BD-Rs if i was in their place i would have also released BD-R's for these games. Why would i waste time releasing it for free im working for it.
i don't think you understand how warez groups work and there is half cooked knowledge floating around the internet.
I am on the same boat as you sir but the deal here is that i have a PS3 plus a Descent Gaming System(Phenom II X6+HD6950) and i believe so do you. So the games like BAC,MW3 etc etc which we can play on our system we dont bother to play it on PS3 and think TB is waste of money(seriously I do) but the case is not the same for Rajveer as he quoted,"[font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]People like me dont. I just got the ps3 to play on[/font]". So on what we spend our money like Gpu's and stuff he would rather spend it on a TB Dongle. IMO its a better deal for him to spend 3k on a dongle and play all the latest games rather than spending much more on a PC.

but anyways neither is our system future proof nor is his True Blue so i hope that those people who are against TB...gets it and in no offence.

Like I said, It was purely my take on this dongle. I didn't generalize this opinion for everyone else. No one is against TB, at least I'm not. I just don't feel it's justified for my purchase, as it's very uncertain with which EBOOT fix to expect and when to expect them. Most of the people who aren't buying this right now are mainly spoiled by the CFW ability. Since this was introduced, they know that, it's an inevitable hack. May be tomorrow, may be a year from now; it will happen. So they continue to wait. Imagine buying this dongle now and getting a CFW a week from now, what then? You won't even be sell it off. It's just rendered obsolete. I hope you understand our point of view as well. We don't hate the idea of the dongle, in fact, TB are the only people who are currently even doing something about the whole "PS3 scene is dead" thing.
#[member='dinjo'] and #[member='Ethan_Hunt'] again i am quoting, my main focus was only on the fact that People who do not have a system to game and cannot play the latest games should buy a TB or JB King rather than upgrading their system. I know that 80% of the people who are not interested in JB and TB is mainly because they rely on the fact that sooner or later CFW will be out but i am 100% sure that those people also have a system to game on ie to play the latest games. I hope you are getting my point till now? but what about those who do not have a system. Atleast for them JB/TB is a good deal. They also know that CFW will be out sooner or later but they can't wait to play the latest games just relying on one of the CFW team cause they dunno when the next will be out and as they can't play neither on PC(not good enough) nor on PS3(3.55+ games) they have only one option left to play the latest games TB or JB because they can't afford a system to game on and wait till another CFW is out. I hope you two got it?

IMO who has a Descent system such as myself see no point in buying a JB or TB. Put yourself in Rajveer's position and you'll understand why he bought a TB(if JB does the same job then i dunno why he bought TB)
JB does not do the same job. When I bought TB JB was not supporting. But now also its giving problems in some games even after taking out the 2.5upgrade. TB was the safest option as JBK was 2200 and TB was 2800. I took TB as it was more reliable. No use buying clones as it is not 1:1 copy. You guys are thinking from your point of view think from mine as altair said. You will get it why I bought.
Much ado about nothing.

Dude has a TB dongle, he enjoys the titles on his consoles. Do others need one - not necessarily. But is the TB scene good as on today - certainly. The future - unsure.
Precisely the point! #[member='Gannu'] Thank you for bringing this convo to the bottom line.

Batman Arkham City


Resistance 3 coming soon.

Edit : These DO NOT work with JB - KING.

to the people who were saying buy JB-KING.

I'm not sure if anyone even bothered reading my last post. Please read every word carefully before counting me as a part of the "hate parade".

Altair said:
^Seriously I dunno what are they arguing about?

Who? If you consider posting one's opinion as an argument, then I'm not sure why this thread was even created. Just like people have their reasons to buy this product; others who don't want to, might have their own reasons. So if those that don't want to purchase it (for the time being), post their opinions in this thread, what's wrong about that?

Try not to consider all the opinions of the non-users to be a flak or a negative feedback towards the dongle. Some could be valid points, while others could be troll points.

Altair, I have read through all of your posts, right from the time you quoted my only post in this thread. I understand the point you're trying to make and I never opposed anything. I had paid for my first dongle and got the most out of it. So I understand, for a PS3-only user, how exciting True Blue can be, in the current scenario. Rest assured, I'm not against the product.
#[member='Ethan_Hunt'] Thanks for understanding what my actual point was. I am neither against nor towards TB or JB heck i was not even talking about JB/TB. Its loss or gains. My whole point in this discussion was just focused on the fact that when should someone buy a TB or JB and under what conditions and why?

P.S - Apologies for posting "arguing" i never meant it actually as the thread itself is a discussion one and i know each individual has his own views.
Damn.. Batman AC patch is out..

need to borrow this dongle from somebody. The disc is lying absolutely unused since months now..
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