Turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone - Apple Peel 520 (Chinese contraption)

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Hey Guys,

Check out this new contraption which turns your iPod touch into an iphone. Basically it's a snap-on case/adapter which interfaces with the itouch through the dock connector and provides it with mobile phone capabilities.

Apple Peel 520 Review (with video) » M.I.C gadget

At the moment it looks kind of half-cooked; hopefully the production version will be better.
But brilliant idea, nevertheless :)
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Its a great idea. you can have an iphone (ipod phone) in half price than that of an iphone. but i think its somewhat bulky than an ipod, but still. you can use iOS :D

But, it all depends on apple. will they allow it to work with future versions of iOS :-?
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That again depends on whether this device succeeds. The current version seems to be very crude.
Since it requires a jailbreak, I hope they will be able to defeat any restriction apple tries to bring in (if they do, that is).

"Bulkier that ipod" seems fine to me. iPhone is anyways bulkier than itouch, so that should be fine.

The earpiece and mic positioning is what's bugging me. Earpiece is being placed at the very top of the case - kind of awkward.
most of the HTC models are bulky , if you are getting phone in itouch its really cool , because some people like me can't afford the pricey iphone 4 , I have 3gs 16gig at present , if we are getting itouch 4th gen with apple peel , its superb :)
What's the point?? :S

Why not get the Chinese iPhone Clone then??

Neway, this contraption is not gonna work like the real thing..... u can be sure of that.... :@
^^ well, if it really works well, I don't see any reason why it would be a bad idea. In the current form it's still buggy, but if somebody manages to make a good quality reliable snap-on case with good battery backup I don't see any reason why it should not succeed :)

Of course it wont be as good as the real thing, but if it's close enough, it's good enough. Not everyone can afford an iphone

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But it badly needs 3G/edge connection also.
Well, the Chinese iPhone Clone don't have the clarity or the touch sensitivity of a real Apple. This lets you enjoy the clarity and touch sensitivity of a real apple without burning a big hole in your pocket. I think its a great idea...
I'm kind of using my ipod touch 4G as a softphone already. It has a speaker near the USB connector and a mic near the camera. If u hold the ipod inverted and keep the silver (back) side on your face, u can use it just like a cellphone. Of course this is for VOIP calls only, not GSM. U need VOIP software (like fring/nimbuzz - I use Acrobits) and a decent wifi broadband connection.

Acrobits + Google voice + Gizmo5 + iPod touch 4G ~= unlimited US calls with an experience almost like using a cellphone :)
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