Linux Tutorial : Easily save any online video in Linux

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Dark Star

We all like to watch video online.. Isn't it ? Whether its a movie, games reviews, video song or whatever .. Its too simple to view them in online video sharing site like youtube,, google video and others List of video sharing websites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if you want to view it you have to load the whole video again, that sometime gets on nerves .. So how to save these videos for future reference, Windows user have bunch of tools but does that really work with all the sites ? No.. So whats the solution. .Even linux users has a software know as pytube PyTube Project but that too doesn't work with all the website which sometimes make thing frustrating...

In this tutorial I will gave you a small tip which make online video storing on fingertips..So lets get started..Please note this tutorial is applicable to all the site that has any type of video embedded in the website from video sharing to personal , it works with all..

1. The first thing to get started it you must have an active net connection with Adobe Flash/Gnash player installed in the Linux PC.. If you have Linux OS like Mandriva One/Powerpack, Sabayon, Dreamlinux, Linux Mint. etc you don't have to install it.. These listed distro with come with flash player pre-loaded ..

If you don't have flash installed don't worry Adobe provide binary files for easy installation. Just head on to Adobe Flash Player download the deb or rpm depending on the distro you are using and install it..

2. Now since you have installed the flash player .. Head on to any video site and play any video.. Let the video get fully loaded .. Now please do not close the video windows/tab else you won't be able to save the loaded video..

3. Now open the File Manager [Nautilus in Gnome, Dolphin in KDE, Thunar in XFCE etc] and navigate to /tmp directory .

4. Note there is a video file in the temporary directory .. Copy it and paste it anywhere you want to Save.. Now after the copying gets finished renames the file either by pressing F2 or by right clicking it and add an extension .flv at the end of it :)

Open with any media player you want and bingo you have saved an online video without using any third party software :) Isn't that great ?

Tips for better video quality :

1. Choose HD format while watching You Tube video ..

2. Try video site that provide high quality online video like vimeo, youtube etc...

Thats it for now .. Stay tuned for more cool tips for Linux :)

Digg It : Digg - Tutorial : Easily save any online video in Linux


Darky ;)
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in normal firefox sessions ,while playing youtube or whatever ,go to /tmp folder and there you find something like "flashX12vdfdfdfd" thing.get it -play it or using mencoder or some other decoder convert to mpeg2/3/4 format.
This sounds like a sure-fire & easy way to save any streamable video, not only in Linux but also windows & Mac :)
i use the "down them all" (DTA) addon for firefox (but on windows) not sure if it is there in linux too :)
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