Tv serial

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Which tv serial are you currently glued on to???

well lately came to know about HEROES
so glued to that and downloading all the seasons ;)
I am into many series at the same time. So here is my list

Mind Of Mencia , Entourage , 30 Rock , Some old Simpsons , Kyle XY & just getting some 2 seasons of Dharma & Greg.
Was glued to 24, Heroes and Prison Break ... Finished all of them ...

Now Entourage, Grey's Anatomy, House, Law & Order SVU ...

Edit : i knw it says TV serial.. but 1 serial just aint enough...
myriadmagus said:
Which tv serial are you currently glued on to???

well lately came to know about HEROES
so glued to that and downloading all the seasons ;)

Btw... How many Heroes Seasons are out yet ??
among the new ones - Damages is neat. Mad Men, Traveler and The Greek are pretty alright too. Anyone into Dexter or Wire in the Blood? These two r too kool!
I dont know if this would qualify


BBC Discovery

Planet Earth Diaries...

Watching it on HD

Looks bloody beautiful!!
As times goes by (one of the best British comedy series I have ever seen)

Red Dwarf (another british scifi comedy series)
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