U tube & facebook video clip problem

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Hi all,

Using Black Berry Curve but can't run u tube & face book video clip.

Error message come while playing u tube &
blank (dark) windows appeared while playing face book clips.

also would like to know why almost all u tube clips play with shattering & in discontinue manners (loading....buffering...playing again loading...buffering...playing??)

any suggestion pl.
^^well the buffering is because of slow internet connection, I suppose 2G, which isnt enuf to give full stream.

Funny thing is, I am able to stream Youtube clips w/o any buffering stops using the same sim on my 5230.

my father has 2 BBs, bold and one curve which is gone now. And i found both pathetic. Everytime I remove an application, I have to wait 5 minutes for stupid reboot...

And yeah, FB clips just dont play.
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