Linux Ubuntu 6.06 LTS released

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Hi all,

Rejoice. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long-Term support) has been released. Check out this link for details. I think the Taiwan mirror should be closest. If looking for a bittorrent for a DVD would've wait for few more days. Enjoy! Similarly Edubuntu & in next couple of days Kubuntu as well as xubuntu would be in.
All Ubuntu 6.06 - Dapper is truely out

scroll down for the other versons that you need if you arn't on a i386 system

It's on almost all servers if you go delete all the info stuff and go to Services
Index of /.pool
Index of /.pool
Index of /releases/.pool
Index of /ubuntu-releases/.pool
and so on
You can use the daily build torrents because the daily build for today is the same exact thing as the final build Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) Daily Build
I want to give credit where credit is due so... I did not find this slack0ne at did, i just confirmed it for him then put it up here for the world to download.
dipdude instead of pasting the links in longish way it's better if u hyperlink them as otherwise everybody would get a 404 error as the mirrors get short-listed. Of course one can get i386, AMD64 as well as alternate install CD's for people having less than 196 MB RAM (read slow machines). I'm on the ubuntu mailing list & there 've been changes in the last couple of days. Some last-minute bug-squashing so would recommend to download from the official servers. The only pity is there isn't a server in India although there is repositery here.
Hi checksum,

it does have XGL provided the graphics card supports it. Your rig should be able to play effortlessely. Just remember to download the x64 binary for best results. Don't forget to post a review here :)
finally managed to install it :) and for starters, it has some improvements over the previous versions. now need to checkout xgl! thats what ive been waiting for :) will post some pics if i manage to get it running
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