Unable to add friends or send messages in PS3

I got my PS3 a few days back and even after successful registration of a PSN id I am not able to add friends or send messages. As soon as I enter the PSN id of the person I want to add and select OK, I get an error 8002A10D :mad:. Tried googling but in vain.

I am using firmware 2.36 (updated a couple of days back). Anyone else facing this? Any help will be appreciated.
i tried searching for a solution for u dude,unable to find one. till date i haven't faced problems adding friends. why the hell dont u contact sony,u payed for that damn thing. they can help u out.
^ Tried that already. Apparantly the Indian PS3 site does not have a contact us page and sony UK are asking me to call them. Will try on Monday again if I do not get a solution here.
This problem is when, u have Indian PSN id......

try the same from US/Uk psn id, then it'll let u add anyone.....or best u can do is ......

try ask some1 to add you from thei ID & then play online....then their names would be listed in Players Met section .....then u can invite them...i did the same :)
^ But thats not fair, there should not be a problem irrespective of my country. Will complain to Sony guys tomm :mad:. Thanks for your suggesstions everyone.
Sony India has no idea whats going on :mad:. It seems that the problem is only if the address for the PSN id is Indian.

@kauzy and others
Have you guys given address other than Indian?