Unable to assign drive label : Win 7 x64

Ok so my main boot drive ran out of space. I installed a new drive, partitioned it and installed Win 7 on that.

Now Windows detects the two partition from the new drive and 2 out of 3 from the old drive. The biggest partition which is 800GB + is not detected by it :|

It shows up in disk management but it always fails when i try to assign it a drive label.

Help please !
What is the error?

<guess w/o more information> You can try different allocation size and see if it makes any difference</guess over>
dhruvrock2000 said:
try to assign it a drive label.

Guessing your issues is with drive letter & not drive label (descriptive name)

have you tried mounting it?

Open up a command prompt as an administrator and type -


that will list all the mount points which are used & unused ones too...

then mount your partition using the drive letter and volume path

ps: \\?\volume{SOME_GUID} is the path....
I would have posted earlier if not for the downtimes. Has your problem been resolved? I got the following two solutions - see if either of them works for you.

1) Unmount the disk and connect it back. Go to the Search for new hardware option, and then let it add the drive. Apparently works for some people for some weird reason.

2) Open a command prompt as administrator. Run the command diskpart. You should see the partitions listed as volumes. Now pick the volume you are trying to label and give the following commands:

select volume # (replace with number of the volume you want to label)
assign letter X (X being the drive name you want to use)