Q1 my other pc has nic 10/100 mbps (i dont understand what it means but it appears its in megabit and not gigabit.....was wondering why its 10 or 100 ?????????)
Ans1:- 10/100
10 for 10Mbps
100 for 100meter
it transfers data at speed of 10Mbps for every 100meter of LAN cable after 100Meter of wire usage the speed drops
Q2 "Get Pronet Gigabit Copper LAN card which is for 900/-
Worth it and useful if you wanna connect 2 PCs only." why it is useful only with two PCs?????????
Ans2:- No , its can be any number of PC's having the Gigabit LAN card
Q3 "Hm... but is gigabit over pci bus worth it?"
what is pci bus????????????? (just for my knowledge plz explain)
Ans3:- PCI Bus has a max speed of 528Mbps while a Gibit LAN card is supposed to handle speed in excess of 1000Mbps
Q4 "But it is faster than a normal 10/100 isnt it. Something faster is more preferable is what i feel."
even i will vouch that from general layman perspective...but cannot say from technical side????????
Ans 4:- A Gigbit LAN card even if it cannot perform to its max speed on a PCI Bus it would be faster than the 10/100 LAN Card.
Q5 "what if his friends later of think of upgrading there Lan cards."
i was wondering cant one pc having NIC in megabits connect to another pc having NIc in gigabits??????? and will there be no benefit of some increased speed compared to both being in megabits????
Ans5:- Yes a person having a Gigabit Lan card can connect to a person having a 10/100 Lan Card as long as they are in the same LAN.
Dont know about speed , i think it will perform at the speed of 10/100 Lan card only
Q6"Hm... yeah at 900 bucks a piece, it sounds like a good solution. But its of no use though if he's on a 100mbps switched network"
what is a switched network???????????
A switch is a device used to connect more than 2 people in a network.
If there are just 2 people in a network than they can connect with a cross crimped Cat5 cable inserted from 1 PC's Lan card
to other PC's Lan card.
But what if there are more than 2 people who want to connect then here comes a switch which is a device used to connect
2 or more people in a LAN. and wires go from each and every PC to a Switch.
Minimum port on a switch is 8 so a max of 8 people can connect in a LAN with the help of a switch.
Also remember a switch requires straight crimped LAN cables
Lan cables are CAT5 cables.
Straight Crimp and Cross Crimping can be done at any shop who sell LAN cables and RJ45 Connectors
Hope that answers all your doubts