Unable to share PC internet connection with mobile using Bluetooth

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I searched the forum, but couldn't find a similar thread, so this new one.

As the title suggests, I am trying to set up a shared internet connection [ICS] on my machine running Windows 7, so that I can use the same from my Nokia 5800 via a bluetooth adapter on my desktop [the host machine]. I googled a lot, but almost all sites tell that I need to enable the 'share' option under my adapter. Problem is, I don't get any such option. Under my network connections, I see my ethernet which is connected to the modem, and the bluetooth adapter, with a 'disconnected' status. Posted below are some screenshots. Any help is appreciated.

If you want to share your broadband connection of computer with your Symbian mobile phone, you have to install a software on your phone.
Search for this on the Symbian Freak forum. I had seen a thread on this more than a year ago(must be around 2 years ago).

But I am not sure if the software is compatible with Symbian OS S60 v5 or not. It was primarily meant for v3 OS based phones.
Also you have to get that application signed before you can install it on your phone and as far as I remember, you had to hack your phone as well. Not sure if the OS of 5800XM and 5230XM is hackable of not.
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