Uncharted 2 graphics rival real life

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If one thing is certain about Uncharted 2, it's that the graphics engine is one of the most magnificent engines crafted to date. Far surpassing the original Uncharted in graphical terms, Naughty Dog is showing what kind of potential there is waiting in the PS3 for developers to tap. Finally, we have a game that we can truly call photo-realistic. Uncharted 2 is setting a new graphical plateau for developers to achieve.

Graphics aside, you can clearly tell Naughty Dog took a lot of time to create such a true to life vision of Kathmandu. With minor details matching so perfectly, you really have to stop and think about the amount of time Naughty Dog took to make sure everything matched up with the real environment. This is dedication on a grand scale.
Wow uncharted 2 sure looking great , in the article they said its as good as real, but i feel its better than the real pics :ohyeah:
Please share ur thoughts.

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Wao...So true to life . Naughty dog have been able to squeeze all the juice out of PS3 .
Uncharted 1 was a classic..had played it when ps3 had their exhibition over here in Mumbai...Its texture rocked..cant wait to see this one
Graphics just look amazing. Damn. Every new big PS3 game just pushes the console further.

Next graphical treat on the system after Uncharted 2 will be Heavy Rain.
Params7 said:
Graphics just look amazing. Damn. Every new big PS3 game just pushes the console further.

Next graphical treat on the system after Uncharted 2 will be Heavy Rain.

I don't buy games till they fall by 50% or more. (I am cheap that way:P.)

These are two games I may finally pay full price for. Uncharted 2 looks amazing. I've been trying not to see the HD videos online, don't want anything spoiled for me. Difficult to resist, though.
The wait's excruciating! :(

Uncharted was so awesome. Gameplay was total fun and involving. I've no words for the graphics and the rendering used in the game. Never seen anything like it before.

And yeah here's what Naughty Dog Co-President had to say on Uncharted 2 and X360:

"I guarantee that this game couldn't be working on XBox 360. It would be impossible. I'm 100 percent sure of this." Christophe Balestra, co-president of Naughty Dog, spoke with Ars about the technology behind Uncharted 2, the hugely anticipated follow-up to one of the PS3's best games: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. "First of all, we fill the Blu-ray 100 percent, we have no room left on this one. We have 25GB of data; we're using every single bit of it."

Uncharted 2 makes PS3 shine; couldn't happen on 360 - Ars Technica
^^ That's because the engine makes use of the SPU's on Cell Engine to get that extra edge. Even though XBOX 360 has a fairly powerful tri-core CPU its not in the same league as the Cell Engine and the SPU like architecture is non-existent. So if nothing else, I guess it would take an impractical amount of time to port the engine to XBOX 360 and they will not be sure about the performance even if they go about doing it. So it would be better for them to spend time on what's working and what's selling.

When they say its impossible on the XBOX 360, it just means that the venture does not make business sense and impractical, not purely that its technologically impossible.
graphics r good...

but thy r not photorealistic at all..

all i can say --

betterthen others:ohyeah:

long way to go..

and graphics can only be close to photorealistic(may be very close i.e difference not detectable by eye) and not photorealistic..;)
gamingstill said:
graphics r good...

but thy r not photorealistic at all..

all i can say --

betterthen others:ohyeah:

long way to go..

and graphics can only be close to photorealistic(may be very close i.e difference not detectable by eye) and not photorealistic..;)

what are your thoughts abt crysis?
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