If one thing is certain about Uncharted 2, it's that the graphics engine is one of the most magnificent engines crafted to date. Far surpassing the original Uncharted in graphical terms, Naughty Dog is showing what kind of potential there is waiting in the PS3 for developers to tap. Finally, we have a game that we can truly call photo-realistic. Uncharted 2 is setting a new graphical plateau for developers to achieve.
Graphics aside, you can clearly tell Naughty Dog took a lot of time to create such a true to life vision of Kathmandu. With minor details matching so perfectly, you really have to stop and think about the amount of time Naughty Dog took to make sure everything matched up with the real environment. This is dedication on a grand scale.
Wow uncharted 2 sure looking great , in the article they said its as good as real, but i feel its better than the real pics
Please share ur thoughts.
Graphics aside, you can clearly tell Naughty Dog took a lot of time to create such a true to life vision of Kathmandu. With minor details matching so perfectly, you really have to stop and think about the amount of time Naughty Dog took to make sure everything matched up with the real environment. This is dedication on a grand scale.
Wow uncharted 2 sure looking great , in the article they said its as good as real, but i feel its better than the real pics

Please share ur thoughts.