Uncharted 2 taking place in India?

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You can see a statue of Ram at 4:20...

But its not standing, hope that isn't going to start riots on the streets now..
m0h1t said:
the gameplay looks nice, I wish they would port it to windows

That is never gonna happen , Naughty Dog is a home breed Sony studio , means they finance it from start to end to develop Sony exclusive games.

So no chance of it being released for any other platform other than PS3 ever.

Can't wait for this to release, it is Buying day 1 stuff material. :hap2:
Params7 said:
You can see a statue of Ram at 4:20...

But its not standing, hope that isn't going to start riots on the streets now..
Oh you had to mention that now didnt you !!!

Now RAM Sena is tracking down your IP as you read this post. You are done for man !!
! 0 t A said:
Oh you had to mention that now didnt you !!!

Now RAM Sena is tracking down your IP as you read this post. You are done for man !!


I don't think he has a US visa or does he?

Wait..do they even need visas to travel? :/

*puts on proxies*
Its Nepal & the Naughty Dog has hit the right spot with the depiction & the letterings in the game :awesome:

currently inFamous & then probably in Sept/Oct Uncharted 2 ! What a Year :awesome:
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