Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

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blr_p said:
Warning sent out to the person who invited the rogues..happens x times that member is also history.

err... I think we are talking about trading here.SO are you telling for each time a person trades in his profile he gets a warning? hmmm interesting point ... ... ...

blr_p said:
Forget about these nobody can do anything about it.

I dint say no body cant I said,it is heavy work tracking and keeping every members info.

As long as you dont understand that ... then no use continuing this discussion.

blr_p said:
Name them ?

Explain to me each and every rule of tech enclave briefly then I will be happy to explain all the reasons why a private tracker wants to remain private and has small user base.

blr_p said:
beause its taking away the 25% that were contributing and innocent or if they were nto banned locking out ppl that could contribute in the future.

Its not worth the effort of the huge work that the staff need to do to keep tracker of every person from a country when they know the majority are gonna be cheaters.

blr_p said:
In an automatic system, it wont matter how many cheat, they get taken care of... leaving the good behind.

Here we go again,how many times do I have to tell to make you understand that automatic system in catching traders and invite sellers are near to impossible to implement.
SmilingCat said:
err... I think we are talking about trading here.SO are you telling for each time a person trades in his profile he gets a warning? hmmm interesting point ... ... ...
You dont care about this because you cannot determine when its happened.
SmilingCat said:
I dint say no body cant I said,it is heavy work tracking and keeping every members info.
As long as you dont understand that ... then no use continuing this discussion.
So you are saying its not possible to program the system to catch cheaters ?

Thats your problem right there.
SmilingCat said:
Explain to me each and every rule of tech enclave briefly then I will be happy to explain all the reasons why a private tracker wants to remain private and has small user base.
Way to dodge the question :)

I dont see why u want to keep the user base small, unless you cannot manage more users. and then your system stays small with limited offerings. If thats fine by your tracker then good.
SmilingCat said:
Its not worth the effort of the huge work that the staff need to do to keep tracker of every person from a country when they know the majority are gonna be cheaters.
No, thats the point, the staff dont have to do one single thing, if its programmed correctly, it will catch any and every cheater by itself.
SmilingCat said:
Here we go again,how many times do I have to tell to make you understand that automatic system in catching traders and invite sellers are near to impossible to implement.
You are missing the point totally, because all you see is trading etc is bad.

You ought to be concentraing on catching the bad users, thats all you really can do and should be worrying about. If the system isn't geared up for it, then thats your problem right there.
Dude do you know how the trading process actually takes place? OK for lemme explain it to you then,since you dont have the slightest clue about it

two users meet at some of the weirdest places in net,or via msn,or via some irc and trade their accounts and invites etc ... Some sell invites in the most deserted and remote places in net ... SO please explain to me the majestic programming and coding skills to be implemented to track this stuff.I would be truly enlightened.and also the trading taking place in TE,I guess the program code of a tracker will identify the people who are trading here,who use diff nicks,diff email acc and are anonymous ... still waiting for ur awesome automatic programming code which catch cheaters.

blr_p said:
Way to dodge the question

wow you dint understand it did you? :)
let me put this to you plain and simple.

Is there a way to detect ratio cheating in the system ?...more taken without sending enough ? what ?

Forget how the ppl got there, what you care about is what they do in the system.
blr_p said:
Is there a way to detect ratio cheating in the system ?...more taken without sending enough ? what ?

I guess you need to read the comments before repeating myself again and again.

Dude ratio cheating is not the only problem trackers are facing.People who sell Invites for profit,people who trade Invites and get into trackers and not using the tracker at all when a better person would have contributed to the tracker and people who are complete douche bags who values the trackers less than shit gets in.Also there is a reason why trackers say "to invite whom you know".Inviting people whom you dont know at all can bring harm to the tracker,example would be the breach in Torrent Leech by RIAA and MPAA.And above all trading is frowned upon and by doing it trackers are forced to implement drastic measures.In all these years people who enter trackers by the means of trading have shown to be bad members.Thats the major reason trading is banned.No tracker wants ass hats to fill their spots

blr_p said:
Forget how the ppl got there, what you care about is what they do in the system.

Prevention is better than cure

Its not worth the effort of the huge work that the staff need to do to keep tracker of every person from a country when they know the majority are gonna be cheaters.
SmilingCat said:
People who sell Invites for profit,people who trade Invites and get into trackers and not using the tracker at all when a better person would have contributed to the tracker and people who are complete douche bags who values the trackers less than shit gets in.
If what they seed is not in demand then they cannot pull anything from the tracker. They are invisible as far as the system is concerned. Unless they have a way to cheat and get around this and thats why i asked you whether the system can detect it.

If ppl aren't using the system give them a timeout, no activity, gone.
SmilingCat said:
Also there is a reason why trackers say "to invite whom you know".Inviting people whom you dont know at all can bring harm to the tracker,example would be the breach in Torrent Leech by RIAA and MPAA.And above all trading is frowned upon and by doing it trackers are forced to implement drastic measures.

Prevention is better than cure
This is an impossible task and a problem every tracker will face eventually. Its like terrorism. You can take all the precautions and it only takes one bad apple to sink the ship.

Face it, trackers have a limited lifespan until they get busted and the cycle repeats itself.
blr_p said:
If what they seed is not in demand then they cannot pull anything from the tracker. They are invisible as far as the system is concerned. Unless they have a way to cheat and get around this and thats why i asked you whether the system can detect it.

If ppl aren't using the system give them a timeout, no activity, gone.

omg,after i explained to you all about slots being unused an all,you are still asking the same question.

People who sell Invites for profit,people who trade Invites and get into trackers and not using the tracker at all when a better person would have contributed to the tracker and people who are complete douche bags who values the trackers less than shit gets in.

those are the reasons what tracker FROWN upon.

blr_p said:
Face it, trackers have a limited lifespan until they get busted and the cycle repeats itself.

Do you have any idea that there are trackers who maintain strict policies,and are alive since they started out since 2004?
SmilingCat said:
omg,after i explained to you all about slots being unused an all,you are still asking the same question.
all you said about slots in this entire thread was...

When never ending flow of cheaters always keep on coming its the slot of many other worthy users they are taking...<SNIP>
....when the bad seed keeps on destroying the peer ratio

I'm not getting why there is a limit on slots here.

SmilingCat said:
Do you have any idea that there are trackers who maintain strict policies,and are alive since they started out since 2004?
How many countries already banned on them ?

The funny thing is the countries mentioned have nothing to do with the RIAA or MPAA, your gonna have to ban the US for that !

SO touch wood ;)
blr_p said:
I'm not getting why there is a limit on slots here.

server costs is one of the main reason.Bigger the tracker,more money it needs to run the tracker.thats why trackers prefer low members with quality.Trackers are run entirely on donations.

blr_p said:
How many countries already banned on them ?

The funny thing is the countries mentioned have nothing to do with the RIAA or MPAA, your gonna have to ban the US for that !

SO touch wood

wow what a cool senseless response.For the last time,if you are not able to comprehend what I am typing just please dont comment here anymore.

People who sell Invites for profit,people who trade Invites and get into trackers and not using the tracker at all when a better person would have contributed to the tracker and people who are complete douche bags who values the trackers less than shit gets in.

Trackers with Strict policies implemented to stop the above have long lived.its not only trying to stop MPAA and RIAA (even after the infiltration TL is running strong because of its dedicated members) but also by doing the above good members get in,contribute and teh tracker grows (what.cd,bitmeTV,HDbits,SCC etc ... ) and how many countries are banned on them? go figure,India is sure banned on 3 trackers in which I have listed

1.Trackers want quality members

2.Why trade,when you can easily get invites for free?

3.By trading,trackers are forced to take drastic measures like country bans etc ... hence you wont get what you are looking for as well as you are blocking others chances.

4.Trading is banned because of the over whelming demerits which it causes.
SmilingCat said:
server costs is one of the main reason.Bigger the tracker,more money it needs to run the tracker.thats why trackers prefer low members with quality.Trackers are run entirely on donations.
Finally.... an answer to the question -- why keep userbase down :)

SmilingCat said:
2.Why trade,when you can easily get invites for free?
This somehow does not make sense, if it were true there would be no trading going on at all or very little, certainly not to the point where you expressly join this forum and ask for certain things to be done because not everybody can be a good member but everybody sure as hell wants to get in any way possible.

SmilingCat said:
3.By trading,trackers are forced to take drastic measures like country bans etc ... hence you wont get what you are looking for as well as you are blocking others chances.
4.Trading is banned because of the over whelming demerits which it causes.
I'm not disputing what you're saying about trading getting idiots onboard, just that its near impossible to stop it.

If that not good enough, the only solution is closed membership.
blr_p said:
certainly not to the point where you expressly join this forum and ask for certain things to be done because not everybody can be a good member but everybody sure as hell wants to get in any way possible.

dude I dont know how many time I have to repeat my self saying that trackers are looking for only good members and dont want members who are just going to be scumbags and are collectors.

For people who have genuine interest in a tracker and are good members are welcomed everywhere and for them invites are everywhere.

Trading is an easy way to get into a tracker and an easy way to get banned too.People wont just give invites to trackers,If I feel you are a movie buff and can maintain a good ratio then If you ask me an invitation to a good movie tracker,Ill be happy to invite you.same goes for music,TV etc ...

If it concerned only the people who traded then I wouldnt have given a flying ****.But It is affecting innocent people and good members.Thats why I urge you to stop trading.

blr_p said:
I'm not disputing what you're saying about trading getting idiots onboard, just that its near impossible to stop it.

Keep on trading,because soon there will be nothing to trade after India gets banned from almost all good trackers.Then you can trade Demonoid and ThePirateBay Invites :).
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