blr_p said:Warning sent out to the person who invited the rogues..happens x times that member is also history.
err... I think we are talking about trading here.SO are you telling for each time a person trades in his profile he gets a warning? hmmm interesting point ... ... ...
blr_p said:Forget about these nobody can do anything about it.
I dint say no body cant I said,it is heavy work tracking and keeping every members info.
As long as you dont understand that ... then no use continuing this discussion.
blr_p said:Name them ?
Explain to me each and every rule of tech enclave briefly then I will be happy to explain all the reasons why a private tracker wants to remain private and has small user base.
blr_p said:beause its taking away the 25% that were contributing and innocent or if they were nto banned locking out ppl that could contribute in the future.
Its not worth the effort of the huge work that the staff need to do to keep tracker of every person from a country when they know the majority are gonna be cheaters.
blr_p said:In an automatic system, it wont matter how many cheat, they get taken care of... leaving the good behind.
Here we go again,how many times do I have to tell to make you understand that automatic system in catching traders and invite sellers are near to impossible to implement.