Car & Bike Unicorn not running as smooth as before

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I own a Honda Unicorn, purchased in October 2007. The bike is not running as smooth as it used to be. It may seem surprising but the bike has still done only 5500 kms. It has been regularly serviced.

Earlier it was almost noiseless smooth operation with rock steady stable riding.

What care i should take with my bike ??

Which engine oil should i use ?? Someone suggested me that shell is a good brand.

For petrol i currently use shell (as its petrol pump falls in my office route). Is it ok ?

PS: I am quite a noob when it comes to bikes. :ashamed:
rak007 said:
I own a Honda Unicorn, purchased in October 2007. The bike is not running as smooth as it used to be. It am seem surprising but the bike has still done only 5500 kms. It has been regularly serviced.
Earlier it was almost noiseless smooth operation with rock steady stable riding.
What care i should take with my bike ??
Which engine oil should i use ?? Someone suggested me that shell is a good brand.
For petrol i currently use shell (as its petrol pump falls in my office route). Is it ok ?

PS: I am quite a noob when it comes to bikes. :ashamed:

services interval for Uni are 750/1500/2500/5000 ieall u r free service are over

last mechanic who did u r service might be fraud using cheap oil or not changing oil itself

Shell is v good oil u may even try diff synthetic ones available
as for petrol u can go with normal one no need for additives or the power etc
and by the way this is my personal option :p
You can try fully synthetic oils from Motul I think....

Plus get it serviced in front of you. Read the service instructions in your booklet to ensure that they are doing everything right. Unicorn is an excellent bike and there is no reason why it should suddenly start behaving in a different manner.


OT: Just took notice of your avatar. It rocks... :)
I had given it for servicing at the authorized Honda service center.

Any views of Castrol Bike zone for getting the bike serviced ???

The riding is still very stable..its just that not smooth as before.

Just two days back i clocked 100 Kmph on the Mumbai - Pune Highway and the bike was rock steady :)
ya motul is v good but if u r not demanding rider ( performance.. i guess u bought uni a easy on pocket commuter byk ) the extra price u pay up for these enhancement r not justified especially if u r gona sell it of in 3 yr time (from purchase) to make full use of good resale one gets for honda's.. just keep it up to mark and then sell it off .. thats what most of my friends to a Honda :p
Castrol bikezone is good dude. I get my kari done there. Call up and take an appointment and sit through the entire service session. See them do it, bother them, and they'll do it well. I go to the one near Simla Office, Thube Park. The owner is cool, got me Iridium plugs for my bike too. 100kmph is pretty decent for unicorn, so what exactly is the problem when you say its not as smooth?
G80_gts said:
Just asking if u have a habit of taking short rides..and dat too very often.......

same question from my side u ?

u have clocked just 5.5K kms since oct 07 ........that's too less .
so i assume u take UNI out for short rides ,& have habit of ripping .

if u will take ur bike for short rides only & in that u will rip it hard will become harsher .
i think u rip hard u ride at 100kmph

so now , while riding bike
#before starting bike in morning IDLING until rpm is stable at 1.2k(yes, u can accelrate)
# ride ur bike at speed ~40kmph(5th gear) ~3000rpm .
# do accelrate suddenly ...........stop ripping
by this ur bike will become smooth .

PS: i own UNICORN . n it's my persnal experience .
^^I use my bike only only weekdays that too for office commute only. Its about 30 Kms to and fro each day. That also 15 kms on friday and 15kms on monday totalling 120 Kms in a week. That explains why so less kms. In rainy season i did not use the bike. For two months i was out of country and so my roomie was using on occasional basis.

Usually i do not go over 70 Kmph speed on any normal day. Its just that two days back i was coming back from a movie and it was 1 in the night and hence i zoomed at 100 kmph :)

If i am in pune on weekends then i use the bike for normal city commute (that too may range from 3 kms to 20 kms over the wknd)

Thats my bike usage
rak007 said:
^^I use my bike only only weekdays that too for office commute only. Its about 30 Kms to and fro each day. That also 15 kms on friday and 15kms on monday totalling 120 Kms in a week. That explains why so less kms. In rainy season i did not use the bike. For two months i was out of country and so my roomie was using on occasional basis.
Usually i do not go over 70 Kmph speed on any normal day. Its just that two days back i was coming back from a movie and it was 1 in the night and hence i zoomed at 100 kmph :)
If i am in pune on weekends then i use the bike for normal city commute (that too may range from 3 kms to 20 kms over the wknd)

Thats my bike usage

hmm......ur bike usage is too less .

#before riding do idling ........
# ride bike with ~3k rpm
#do not rip

as u go oout for short rides n it's rarely's very importannt for u to do idling before u go off . also keep other points in mind .
If you can afford it, Get Castrol Power1 Racing fully synth 10W40 @ 750


Motul 300V 15W50 @ 675

Castrol shud be given first preference :) Go to a mechanic and tell him to change it right now, i.e., in front of you.
ohh and u r riding too less so take care of battery it will drain out fast .. and u can use petroleum jelly on + electrode to prevent corossion do note to regularly top it up
SunnyBoi said:
If you can afford it, Get Castrol Power1 Racing fully synth 10W40 @ 750


Motul 300V 15W50 @ 675

Castrol shud be given first preference :) Go to a mechanic and tell him to change it right now, i.e., in front of you.
Please don't go for the Motul 300V 15W50...

The xxW50 is meant it for higher cc bikes not the 150cc bikes...

Recommend is 20W40 for ... so stick to any xxW40 Grade Oil...

I'm personally using Petronas Sprinta 4000 Semi-Synthetic Oil @ 320 bucks... nxt time i'm gonna go for the Petronas Sprinta 5000 Full-Synthetic Oil
^^ hey wehere do u get Petronas oil in Mumabi? I was looking for them.

@ OP,
there is good mech @ Goregaon W called Reddy.
Much more professional quality work is done at their garage than many authorized service centers. I go there from Thane.
If u want I can give u his no. take prior appointment
Yeah i tried the motul 300v and Agip full synthetic oil on my unicorn, the agip was way better than the motul 300v its pretty darn smooth.. also try avoiding additive fuels like shell super, speed etc.. my bike's done around 30k, still going smooth n strong apart from the rattling noise of the loose rear foot rest :bleh:
NeViLLe said:
Please don't go for the Motul 300V 15W50...

The xxW50 is meant it for higher cc bikes not the 150cc bikes...

Recommend is 20W40 for ... so stick to any xxW40 Grade Oil...

I'm personally using Petronas Sprinta 4000 Semi-Synthetic Oil @ 320 bucks... nxt time i'm gonna go for the Petronas Sprinta 5000 Full-Synthetic Oil

Please dont preach wrong the wrong info. Bikes like R1 run on 10W30 oil.

Anyways the oil rating does not matter sooo much as to cause any bad effects. I had a CBZ and used to run motul 10W30 on it. recommended oil was 20W40 and the 10W30 was far far better.
^^ One may do as he pleases... I'm just sharing my views... ;)

I've heard everybody advising to avoid the high grade xxW50 Oil in 150cc bikes... and guys who put these higher grades also share the same view and greed with the same...

@Rak007: Check this thread at another forum to get some idea about Engine Oils... (I hope posting this is okay... if not mods pls remove this)

[xBhp Universal Thread]: Engine Oils - Page 39 - : The Global Indian Biking Community

@geek ashish: There a Petronas Dealer near my place near AC Market, Tardeo...
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