Car & Bike Unicorn not running as smooth as before

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hey this is jai... m planning to buy unicorn as m using suzuki fiero now...and plz tel me how abt using K&N filter in unicorn??? is performance improves?? and will the mileage decreases after installing K&N????


if you are gonna put up a K&n filter on the unicorn.. be prepared for top end performance drop.. unless you get your ratios adjusted.. only the midrange performance will improve.. also expect a small drop in the mileage

Also: honda service sucks big time!
K&n will mean increased airflow ie excess of air = lean mixture
torque and power delivery in low as well as mid range rpms will improve with better curve
at high rpms to match excessive air one will have to up jet too wich will lead to better top wack ie u will enjoy u r uni like a zma

by the way my local exp says pulsar twin spark betters in overall improvement do to above mods ...
by the way plain K&N dose not affect the mileage but the driving style that changes after applying K&N changes the scenario...faster through gears faster rpm changes affect millage -evly
My advice - learn to change the oil yourself. Its not rocket science and takes just 10mins. Buy good brand of engine oil with the grade as prescribed in your motorcycle manual. Fully synth oils for regular commuters does not offer much benefit when thinking from the drain intervals vs price angle. Might as well buy some good mineral oil and stick with it. Since you say you are used to filling up petrol from Shell, might as well get their Shell Advance 4stroke oil. And stick with the drain interval prescribed in your manual. finally plz suggest which oil should i use in order of preference and also its cost if possible.

Also next week i am going to give my bike for servicing....will tell the Honda Guy not to change oil.

Should i change the oil after or before my bike is serviced ???
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