Uninstall Windows Beta 7

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Just spent 3 hours looking at beta 7 and made the mistake of installing on my good computer. I know it was free but thought I would check it out and it slowed down my Vista Home Edition computer and won't turn on my Spyware/AV program. Other issues just want to SAFELY UNINSTALL the beta 7 from this computer. Any and all help greatly appreciated.:cool2:
If you want to be safe, I would do this. Boot into a partition manager disk using something like gparted (free open source software) OR Acronis boot Disk. Hide the Windows 7 Partition and then reboot into your Vista dvd and instead of installing you have to Fix installation (not sure specifics but you can find it pretty easily on Google) then if Vista menu comes up and all boots ok.... delete the Windows 7 partition.

If you delete the Windows 7 Partition and you screw up, you may not have an OS to boot to... this way you can unhide the Windows 7 partition if you need to.
Windows 7 having been installed on another partition, will and can, in no way affect your Vista indtallation or performanace..

Nevertheless to uninstall win7 you can try as suggested above. Or you may also first through VistaBootPro, remove the BCD registry entry for Windows7 and then thru Vista Disk Management, format the Win7 partition. Backup all yout data first.
Installing Win 7 wont effect vista installation..

As for going back to vista,

1) open diskmanager in vista, select vista partition as active/ boot partition

2) boot in vista dvd, fix boot..

3) later you can format win 7 partition from vista..
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