Unlocking Casio fx-82ES to Casio fx-991ES

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This is a guide to unlock your Casio Scientific calculator to a higher version with more features. I have tested it with my own fx-82ES and it worked.
This modd will unlock model number fx-82ES/83ES/85ES to fx-991ES
Generally 82ES comes with 249 functions function and when the "setup" button is presses, only 3 functions are listed, whereas 991ES comes with 403 functions and when the "setup" button is presses, only 8 functions are listed, by this you can differentiate between the two :)

1. Check what version you have - on the back, just above the made in China sign, there is a letter in a circle: if it’s a B, unlucky because you can’t do the mod, however if it’s an A you can.
2. Open up your calculator - on the back there are six screws, using a Phillips screw driver, remove these and then lift off the back, revealing the circuit board.
3. Find the P4 jumper - on the circuit board there are six screws, between the middle two is a little white P4, to the right of this is a small split silver circle. Take your graphite pencil and colour this, making sure the whole thing is covered.
4. Put it back together-now put the back, back on and screw the screws into the holes.

After Unlocking

Please share your result. Please note that i will not be responsible if your calculator goes kaput.


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It didn't worked for me.
I have Casio fx-82 ES and it belongs to A production series.

First tried graphite pencil on that P4 jumper, it didn't worked. Then I went forward and tried soldering the P4 jumper joint, that didn't worked either!
^^I dont think thats necessary, try removing the solder, remove the battery , re-insert it next switch on the calc and press MODE, see how many modes are displayed, it 8 then its unlocked

If 3 then while it i ON just shorted the P4 jumper with a pencil or any conducting material, i didn't solder mine, just the pencil formula worked for me :)
^ Gave it another shot.

Desoldered the jumper joint, tried pencil trick and then again have soldered the P4 jumper, it isn't working.
^well i haven't soldered mine just sorted the jumpers and it worked. How many modes are displayed now?
^try shorting the junction when the calc is ON

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Any positive update :)
@mods, IMHO this thread should be in the guids and tutorial sections, if mods think so then please move this thread to the appropriate section
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