Unpinning from the Win7 TaskBar

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I edited the Internet Explorer 'icon' pinned to the TaskBar, so that I could change its target to some other program which lacks a 'pin to the TaskBar option'. That succeeded. I can now launch the other program from the 'converted' I.E. icon. However, something went wrong, in that the icon remnant still has the name Internet Explorer attached to it, and lacks a Context Menu through whose Properties I might set things right, including changing the image (and name) of the icon. I want to either be rid of it and start again; or fix it up. Any ideas ?
Why goto all this trouble? Just drag the program which you want on the taskbar, an option to pin will come automatically!
OK - the scenario has changed. Unbeknowns to me, the unwanted icon disappeared when the PC shut down i.e. it was not there on reboot. It may be relevant here to say that the program that I want to pin to the TaskBar is a DOS program. Its context menu DOES have a 'pin to TaskBar' option; but when I click that, I see nothing new in the TaskBar. Also, dragging the program to the TaskBar triggers a 'square balloon' that says 'Pin to TaskBar', but the TaskBar does NOT look more populated afterwards. It is obviously a DOS Program issue, and my original question needs no answer. But I'd love an answer to the new question. How to make the icon for a DOS program visible when it's pinned to the TaskBar ?
First, pin a shortcut for cmd.exe to the taskbar.

Right click the shortcut on the taskbar.

You will see a list that includes "Command Prompt" and "Unpin this program from the taskbar".

Right click the "Command Prompt" and select properties.

In the box for Target, go to the end of C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and type " /C " and the path and name of the DOS file

You can also change the Icon or click the General tab and change the name of the shortcut if you wish.

However, you can make only one shortcut like this.

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Let me google that for you
That is the same method I used for Internet Explorer - with the same result. A temporary icon with the wrong name, no 'image' and no context menu to fix remedy this.
I have discovered that the QuickLaunch Bar in Win7 is as functional as it was in WinXP, so I will NOT pursue 'pinning to TaskBar'.
Sebastian42 said:
I have discovered that the QuickLaunch Bar in Win7 is as functional as it was in WinXP, so I will NOT pursue 'pinning to TaskBar'.

Well, that was going to be my last suggestion as a last resort or a worst case. When you can reduce desktop clutter, why not? ;)
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