Since many Unreal engine based game will be coming out and some which are already out. So i thought that instead of hunting for tweaks i'de post them out here for you guys.
NOTE: Some Settings may not be available in the current engine since i've maintained them from UT2K4.
Alright lets start the main changes that needs to be done is in the BaseEngine.ini
this is does all the ingame processing and rendering.
This tweak shoots my FPS right up.
xxx\Engine\Shaders\HLSL and open the file ShadowDepthTest.hlsl in notepad or word pad. Now depending on your video card, find the line that says either :
"nvPixelShader" or "atiPixelShader"
under this line is the shadow depth test code for nvidia and ATi, now simply find the line of code under these lines that reads :
"clip( (0.5f - SceneDepthValue.b) * NeedStencilTest );"
and comment it out with a "//" so it reads something like this
"//clip( (0.5f - SceneDepthValue.b) * NeedStencilTest );"
this just disables the code, coders use it to insert comments about code within source code documents, you'll notice that on the same line as this code the coders has inserted his own little comment. You can comment out ALL the clip( (0.5f .... lines of code if you really like, but I like to comment out only that which is neccesary.
This is for motion Blur
xxx\Engine\Shaders\HLSL\MegaPostProcess and open the MotionBlur.hlsl file with notepad.
In the file, find the line
"float2 increment = MotionBlurValue * MotionBlurAmount * fOneOverNumberOfPostProcessSamples;"
and after the words MotionBlurValue add " * 3" for a 3 times motion blur increase ( what I use ). Change the number at your discretion, depending how much blur you want.
This supposedly helps the frame rate for people struggling
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
Change this:
To this:
This one is of Rainbow Six Vegas which is again a Unreal Engine based game.
How To Remove "Reload" and "Low Ammo" Messages - SP and MP
1) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\KellerGame\Localization\INT
2) Open the following file with notepad:
3) Find the following lines:
4) Delete "Reload" and "Low Ammo" entries (leave blank):
5) Save the file.
You can also delete the "ENEMIES REMAINING" line for Terrorist Hunt mode to get rid of this message. It will simply display the number of remaining terrorists on the right side of your screen.
Again a Rainbow Six Vegas Tweak<<works for other games like splinter cell CT
How To Disable Post Processing Effects to Increase Performance
The post processing effects (HDR; Motion Blurr; Eye Adpatation) puts extra processing cycles on to your GPU. If you eliminate them this should speed up your frames per second minus the added visual effects.
WARNING: This may adversely affect the entire game, SP and MP, and you might not be able to re-apply the post processing effects. The only way to re-apply them may be a full re-install of the game.
1) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\Engine\Config
2) Find and open the file with Notepad:
3) Find the following line:
4) Change from "True" to "False"
The game will look very basic (washed out). Thermal vision will become very blocky and consist of the basic colors of Red/Green/Blue. The Night Vision filter (green static) will also not function because it is a post processed effect.[Same thing will be in a file called as KellerEngine.ini change the settings there also]<<may differ from game to game.
These are the ones which are used in UT2K4 but works the same in UT3
All these settings can be found in BaseEngine.ini
bUseTextureStreaming=True (Note that the UseStreaming=True variable found further below seems to have no impact on the streaming system if set to False.)
ShadowFilterRadius=2 (The higher the value, the more 'blob-like' shadows become, the lower the value, the sharper the outlines of shadows.)
This setting appears to be an ATI-specific troubleshooting option, and should only be set to False if you are having issues.
If set to True, this setting can reduce stuttering and hitching on GeForce 6 and 7 series graphics cards. Once again, as primarily a troubleshooting option, it shouldn't be set to True unless necessary.
Epic recommend setting this option to True as a workaround if you are experiencing crashes with an Nvidia card. Otherwise it is best left at False for optimal performance.
Change the value as you desire and the FPS will increase.
This is for all those who have been trying to get AA enabled in UT3
MaxMultisamples=1 (This is also known as AA change the value as to what you want and you have AA enable)<<Works for me in UT3
This setting affects the overall smoothness of shadows.
The value 0 is to disable and 1 is to enable
None of These are my own work i've found them over a period of time and maintained them. Some settings may be found some may not depending upon the game.
NOTE: Some Settings may not be available in the current engine since i've maintained them from UT2K4.
Alright lets start the main changes that needs to be done is in the BaseEngine.ini
this is does all the ingame processing and rendering.
This tweak shoots my FPS right up.
xxx\Engine\Shaders\HLSL and open the file ShadowDepthTest.hlsl in notepad or word pad. Now depending on your video card, find the line that says either :
"nvPixelShader" or "atiPixelShader"
under this line is the shadow depth test code for nvidia and ATi, now simply find the line of code under these lines that reads :
"clip( (0.5f - SceneDepthValue.b) * NeedStencilTest );"
and comment it out with a "//" so it reads something like this
"//clip( (0.5f - SceneDepthValue.b) * NeedStencilTest );"
this just disables the code, coders use it to insert comments about code within source code documents, you'll notice that on the same line as this code the coders has inserted his own little comment. You can comment out ALL the clip( (0.5f .... lines of code if you really like, but I like to comment out only that which is neccesary.
This is for motion Blur
xxx\Engine\Shaders\HLSL\MegaPostProcess and open the MotionBlur.hlsl file with notepad.
In the file, find the line
"float2 increment = MotionBlurValue * MotionBlurAmount * fOneOverNumberOfPostProcessSamples;"
and after the words MotionBlurValue add " * 3" for a 3 times motion blur increase ( what I use ). Change the number at your discretion, depending how much blur you want.
This supposedly helps the frame rate for people struggling
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
Change this:
To this:
This one is of Rainbow Six Vegas which is again a Unreal Engine based game.
How To Remove "Reload" and "Low Ammo" Messages - SP and MP
1) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\KellerGame\Localization\INT
2) Open the following file with notepad:
3) Find the following lines:
4) Delete "Reload" and "Low Ammo" entries (leave blank):
5) Save the file.
You can also delete the "ENEMIES REMAINING" line for Terrorist Hunt mode to get rid of this message. It will simply display the number of remaining terrorists on the right side of your screen.
Again a Rainbow Six Vegas Tweak<<works for other games like splinter cell CT
How To Disable Post Processing Effects to Increase Performance
The post processing effects (HDR; Motion Blurr; Eye Adpatation) puts extra processing cycles on to your GPU. If you eliminate them this should speed up your frames per second minus the added visual effects.
WARNING: This may adversely affect the entire game, SP and MP, and you might not be able to re-apply the post processing effects. The only way to re-apply them may be a full re-install of the game.
1) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\Engine\Config
2) Find and open the file with Notepad:
3) Find the following line:
4) Change from "True" to "False"
The game will look very basic (washed out). Thermal vision will become very blocky and consist of the basic colors of Red/Green/Blue. The Night Vision filter (green static) will also not function because it is a post processed effect.[Same thing will be in a file called as KellerEngine.ini change the settings there also]<<may differ from game to game.
These are the ones which are used in UT2K4 but works the same in UT3
All these settings can be found in BaseEngine.ini
bUseTextureStreaming=True (Note that the UseStreaming=True variable found further below seems to have no impact on the streaming system if set to False.)
ShadowFilterRadius=2 (The higher the value, the more 'blob-like' shadows become, the lower the value, the sharper the outlines of shadows.)
This setting appears to be an ATI-specific troubleshooting option, and should only be set to False if you are having issues.
If set to True, this setting can reduce stuttering and hitching on GeForce 6 and 7 series graphics cards. Once again, as primarily a troubleshooting option, it shouldn't be set to True unless necessary.
Epic recommend setting this option to True as a workaround if you are experiencing crashes with an Nvidia card. Otherwise it is best left at False for optimal performance.
Change the value as you desire and the FPS will increase.
This is for all those who have been trying to get AA enabled in UT3
MaxMultisamples=1 (This is also known as AA change the value as to what you want and you have AA enable)<<Works for me in UT3
This setting affects the overall smoothness of shadows.
The value 0 is to disable and 1 is to enable
None of These are my own work i've found them over a period of time and maintained them. Some settings may be found some may not depending upon the game.