Unusual greyish pattern on pc cabinet

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Dear friends i need your help regarding a problem that i am stuck in.
I have a ryzen pc last month i had to move away from home so i decided to wrap the pc in a plastic sheet to save the components from dust moisture etc so i wrapped completely taped the entire pc air tight completely and put in almirah after one month i opened the pc i found all over cabinet surface has plastic sheet smell and the cabinet is having some unusual patterns from outside seems like greyish lines i switched the pc it works perfectly. Now i am confused is it a cause of concern or not kindly help me friends and thanks in advance.
Its not a big concern since it only affects the outside of the cabinet. plastic sheet or wrap could have reacted with the tape glue and produced the plastic smel or patterns. you can use cleaning fluid like colin or liquid soap to remove it.

Next time just wrap newspaper around pc cabinet to stop dust from accumulating on it. No need to make it air tight. just buy few of those silica dessicant pouches on amazon and put it inside the case. those are reusable and will take care of moisture.
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