Unusual N79 issue

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i have a 1.6yr old N79.

everything is going well except for the battery life.
For normal calling and sms the battery now barely lasts for 24hrs. but previously it would last for 2.5 -3 days. I dont use wifi or 3g or edge etc.

If i charge my cell fully and then switch off and put it in drawer for 2 days and on 3rd day i start the phone the battery level is only 1 bar and it signals battery low & i need to recharge it to full.

The battery is in perfect condition. I even borrowed battery from my friends n79 and tested bt same issue.

What could be wrong with my n79? I have latest firmware and nothing else is loaded except Xplore and FExplorer.

rest my cell doesn't hang or reboots.

Plz dont suggest to buy new cell or sell this one.
Which firmware exactly are you on??

A bit unlikely but .... have you dropped ur phone from a height or in water??
ashish said:
firmware is V31.002

if i would have dropped it i would have mentioned it too.
1st of all, try being more polite..... Only saying that u hadn't dropped the phone would have been enough...... :P

People are trying to help u mate...... u of all must understand that.....

Now for the possible solution:

1) Are u sure v31 is the latest firmware? If not, update to the latest firmware & see if the problem persists.

2) Try factory resetting the phone. See if problem persists.

3) Use the phone without a memory card & see if the battery life improves.

If all the above cause the problem to persist, use ur friend's battery again & make sure that the problem is with the phone & not the battery.

1.6years of extensive use can cause the battery to lose its charge retaining capacity to some extent......

As the battery drains even if u keep the phone switched off, IMHO, it's the battery that is at a fault......
only one answer to this .. 1.6yr old phone not working!! .. why waste money on repairs,, just change it .. there are much better and cheaper phones out now . even if u sell ur phone u can buy a much better phone than the n79 with the money u get after selling it .
I suggest you to

1.Try reinstalling the firmware

2.Drain the battery completely once and then charge it overnight once.

3.If none works report to Nokia
IF you have used it extensively than it is possible that battery efficiency get reduced. As same with any other battery.
i have tried all these suggessions before but cant catch the real culprit.


i updated today it to recent firmware

i have been using the phone without memory card for a month now.

have tried all resets both hard and soft ones.
& have clearly mentioned that i checked it with friends battery for a week but same problem. My battery lasts for 3 days on his phone.

Do read my post again esp. the last line.

the cell is out of warranty & even if i show it to any nokia care, they will pinpoint some unusual and make me run for money. Coz their only common answer is replacing the motherboard which costs above 5k.

even after updating the firmware the problem hasnt gone.
Well you seem to have most bases covered. It certainly looks like circuit damage which is why I asked if the phone was dropped or had gotten wet.
dude the phone is 1.6 yrs old what else ca u expect .. probably some damage internally .. what the point in breaking ur head over it .. just sell the damn thing and get a better phone ..n79 is old technology now . i know u dont want to sell but seriously i see no point in this ... at 6000 bucks u can get a phone with even better specs .
There are still plenty of people who still use Nokia N95s, Sony Ericsson W810s, HTC G1s, Iphone 1Gs, etc because of the simple reason that they are happy with the phone regardless of how old it is. Just cause it gives slight trouble doesn't mean you dump it and move on, let the TC hold on to the phone if he wants to ....
khanvis2009 said:
dude the phone is 1.6 yrs old what else ca u expect .. probably some damage internally .. what the point in breaking ur head over it .. just sell the damn thing and get a better phone ..n79 is old technology now . i know u dont want to sell but seriously i see no point in this ... at 6000 bucks u can get a phone with even better specs .
i guess you are the most illogical person ever heard on this planet. :tongue:
as per your brain, you mean anything after an yr should become faulty isnt it??

wake up dude. Heres something to be learnt from:
i have 4yrs old n70 and 2.6yrs old n73 still working like a charm and never replaced their batteries or any part.
Have 11yr old honda car--only replaced tyres and do regular servicing.
6 yr old computer--added 512*2 ddr1 ram couple of months ago.

& i prefer many people here should give you such live examples so you can live up to the reality.

I can say for sure from your posts, you must be changing your house,cell,pc,car,WIFE or GF,job, and what not to think about after every 1.5yrs or so. :bleh: So do enjoy your frequent changes and leave us to stay with our goodies.

i care for things as they are loyal to me.:)
i dont see a point in spending money in repairing the phone ... . even if it is spending 500 bucks on repair i think its a bad idea as the problem may reappear.. in the end to each is own...u r free not to implement my suggestion as its ur phone .. .and try to be a bit polite next time as someone told u that earlier as well in the post above .. ur tone is rude and u pissed me off with ur last comment and those smileys as well .

people are trying to help u with their suggestions no one is forcing u to accept their opinion .

personally i dont think any memeber should waste their time in helping u after reading that last comment
@ khanvis2009 : Dude, u kept bugging him even after he clearly mentioned he had no intention of changing the phone..... U actually suggested that he change the phone not once but twice...... It is natural for a person to be rude in that case..... I mean, he might have an emotional attachment to the phone or sumthing......

If he clearly mentions NOT to suggest changing the phone...... u shouldn't...... Simple isn't it??

I cannot blame him for being rude in this case....... can I......??

e.g. I ask you to suggest some foods rich in proteins. I also ask you NOT to suggest non-vegetarian foods as I am a pure vegetarian...... and non-veg is not acceptable to me.

But u keep suggesting Chicken & Fish repeatedly...... Won't I get pissed off with such repeated suggestions.

@ ashish :
I am NOT justifying your reply...... You too could have been a bit less personal.....

I would still suggest you to edit the earlier post so as to make it less offensive....

Coming to your problem, Now I think that u have a damaged PCB or a dying IC or something like that. Ur best bet at salvaging ur phone would be to visit a Nokia ASC & get the phone checked. They won't force u to get it repaired from them if u ask them only for an estimate & pay for it. U can then decide what u want to do.

I had a somewhat similar problem with an ancient 3310 I had.... It was some charging IC that had gone bad..... The Nokia ASC tried but couldn't get a new IC & I had to dump the phone....

As ur phone (N79) is considerably new, finding spare components won't be an issue for u.....

I really don't think that anyone on TE would be able to help you if it is a hardware problem.
Looking at the age of the products he has he def is emotionally attached to them without a doubt ... But I still think his response should not have been what it was .

Anyway I'll try to help u .

1 is ur phone freezing at times .. I mean when u use it after a while do u notice that only the power button works and nothing else , like the phone hangs completely.

2 u have mentioned u don't use wifi, 3G , edge so I assume it's off all the time .. Have u set the mail client to check for mail very often even though 3G and edge are not on .

3 do u have facebook ,Skype or any such application on ur phone even after the reset .?
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