PC Peripherals ***Update: Samsung Awesome Twosome Offer***

man 1983 .. that was when i was born .. Lol .. and u still have the best practical knowledge .. i have seen your posts and its like you have tried and experimented with everything. and ur reputation says it all .. hehe.

we folks are lucky to have experienced elders like u here.

sorry for all the OT posts guys...but i was just not feeling good about eazy's monitor.

@All others

Next time you buy any LCD any brand .. do check it up in a pitch dark room for something like that. be careful.
nothing on my samsung monitor :p

eazy you really should try and get that monitor replaced.. what did the samsung engineer say the first time about the patch
Holy moly and I thought my dell was the only display with backlight bleeding issues. That pic does look bad. My dell backlight leaks as well and is only visible in a completely black background but its not patchy like that one. Its more of a violety white tinge.
bottle said:
.. what did the samsung engineer say the first time about the patch

He said "...It happens .... sometimes... its NORMAL..." he opened it for a backlight bleed/leak check and found nothing.

Seriously I have no problems with this patch .... it could also be caused by the Earths Magnetic thingy which supposedly does things to Monitors.

@Switch .... just checked with my Monitor supplier and he said that he was told that only the first 18% of the people who wrote in for this offer are getting the Printer and the rest of us can take a long walk on a short pier. Not a 100% confimed info but that is what my supplier was told in confidence by someone in Samsung.
Ave called up Samsung and was told that my printer has been dispatched :eek:hyeah: day before yesterday and that i'd get it on monday.

And touchwood that my 740N is alrite , no patches on my LCD :D.
Eazy said:
.... it could also be caused by the Earths Magnetic thingy which supposedly does things to Monitors.
The Earths Magnetic thingy as you so very amusingly call it :eek:hyeah: should have nothing to do with an LCD monitor. It can be an issue with CRT monitors where the deflection yoke uses balistic properties of an electron beam in a magnetic field.
An LCD monotor has no electron beam
Not gonna let u in peace till u get tht LCD replaced...:eek:hyeah:

or atleast let them know slightly impolitely that u r not happy...
vij said:
Not gonna let u in peace till u get tht LCD replaced...

or atleast let them know slightly impolitely that u r not happy...

:tongue: :bleh: :hap5: :no:

...NAH... MAN... makes no difference to me.
Yup , I agree with emil - emi might be an issue with CRTs which use magnetic deflectors and coils ( try bringing a magnetic screwdriver near ur CRT screen , if u haven't already seen that ) but it's unlikely to have any effect on LCDs

Besides the earth's magnetic field is too weak compared to many other sources that u would find near ur monitor !
This is how I feel about Samsung's Awefull Twosome offer right now.... :crash: :Comp9:

Eazy said:
This is how I feel about Samsung's Awefull Twosome offer right now.... :crash: :Comp9:

Eazy... Forgive my ignorence but are we supposed to get the same printer...
Switch said:
Eazy... Forgive my ignorence but are we supposed to get the same printer...

YES ... its the one on the right in the above picture.... I forgot to mention that this new offer of Samsung is from an Adv in the Mumbai DNA newspaper of the 30th May 2006. When I saw this ad my immediate reaction was .... "HAI MERA PRINTER GAYA JHUMRITALAYA" :(

Here is a screenie of the AWFULL Twosome offer...

Grt news ppl !! I got my Printer yday- ML 1610 !! i really dint hav any hopes of gettin anything-wasnt really sure that i had done the Online Regn correctly!

But anywhere here it is- its surprisingly light..!
guys I hope somebody checked the link. According to Channeltimes article there is also a phase 2 which is from march 15 to march 28 hence Darthcoder can also avail of this offer.
Messa too got it today... just came home and found it lying on my bed...

Eazy and DC i am sure you guys will have it in a day or two as the printers are despatched from Delhi... So most probably will take a couple of das for outstation deliveries... Good luck guys and keep your fingers crossed :D...