Budget 21-30k Updating CPU, Motherboard, GPU.. at Mumbai


  1. What is your budget?
    • 26K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU – AMD Athlon II X4 630
    • Motherboard – Gigabyte 880 GMA-UD2H
    • GPU - ATI HD 6850 (Sapphire)
    • RAM – Corsair XMS 3 1600 4GB x 2
    • Monitor - Dell 2240L
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • Cabinet - NZXT Gamma
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Dell 2240L
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • RAM – Corsair XMS 3 1600 4GB x 2
    • Cabinet - NZXT Gamma
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel i5 4440 4th Gen
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard (This is where I need Suggestions)
    • GPU – GTX 750 TI 2GB (Any Better Suggestions?)
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
  1. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase
  2. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes, only GPU
  3. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming (Mainly)
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • HTPC
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
  4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
No Fascinations….
  1. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
All kinds of latest PC Games
  1. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming – 1920x1080 (Monitor native)
    2. Desktop – 1920x1080
  1. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Hell No!
  1. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
Prime ABGB (Lamington Road) if you want to buy offline. Its not the cheapest price you will get, but a reputed shop with a fair price. And 100% genuine product (trust me, it comes handy when you go for RMA) . But really, you should go Online. Example - PrimeABGB sells a 120 GB 840 EVO SSD at 5000 locally (unless you really know how to bargain hard, they they are so busy for you that trust me it will be difficult to bargain) , and they sell the same at 4500 on snapdeal :)

Plus, I stay at Borivali - so a trip to Lamington road costs me a lunch and a beer (plus my time and effort) so even if it was priced 500 Rs lower, id end up spending more money and time and energy going there and buying stuff.