71-90K Upgrade advice needed

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HI Guys,

I am currently running below specs,

4790k - 3.5years
Gigabyte H97 board - 3.6years
32gb Ram
512gb ssd
Gtx 1070 -2.5 years
1080p 60hz display. -6years

I am confused as to what my upgrade path should be. I would like to game on 4k @60hz nothing higher mostly.

I have budget for this year end to either go for CPU(ryzen 4700x ?) + MOBO + RAM + NVme upgrade or get a decent 4k screen around 30-35k and a new gpu preferably 3070(would do this only when current gpu turns 4) when it releases.

Looking at my current specs can you guys suggest what would be better to upgrade first ?
4k because i want the eye candy,
no hi-refresh rate Because i dont play multiplayer titles and have used 120hz at a friends and it did not appeal to much to me. I can buy a 4k -60hz one which support 2k 144hz if budget permits and if a product like that exists :)
If you want to go 4k then you will need to upgrade both the CPU and the GPU since the 4790k will be too much of a bottleneck for a RTX 3000 series @4k 60Hz.

I would suggest cheaping out slightly and going with a SATA SSD instead of NVMe as there are not much gains in real life usage with a NVMe drive if you are not editing 4k RAW footage.

If budget is a constraint you can upgrade the CPU+mobo+RAM first and then reduce the quality to play at say 1080p@60Hz with your 1070 temporarily until you can upgrade to a RTX 3000 series card later.
i was thinking the same but keep going back and forth thinking that if i wait till next year mid Intel might launch their 10nm parts which will force AMD to respond making it a better bang for buck purchase..as i wont be upgrading for at least 4 years post that. RTX 3070 or super is done deal is what i am getting and 4k 60hz screen...maybe get the screen first then buy gfx and last cpu + mobo & ram ?

Nvme suggestion is good yes i will save some money there and will stick with current ssd i have until it conks off.
Don't go for a 4k one. It's a pipeline dream to play games at 4k 60fps.
Most GPUs can't handle so much texture load and games are not very much optimised for such situations. Not atleast AAA titles as most people won't sport a 4K monitor.
Then there would be latency issues with lower price tier 4k monitors.
Go for a 2k, 27 or 24 inch one, they have a very good ppi and it makes them look so beautiful.
Don't game on a very large screen.
I have a 1080ti and 1800x both water-cooled on a custom loop, but can barely manage 40-50 fps in witcher 3 and GTA V on 4k.
But on 2k I usually get 100+ on both average.
But that's my two cents, but YMMV.
Thanks for the reply. Which monitor do you use ? Yes i understand 4k would be hard to run for most setup's right now however i would be using this monitor for atleast 6-8years and wont be upgrading. I would stick to playing on 2k till Hardware and software catchup. Going 4k is more like future proofing.

I had attempted this in 2018 with dual 1080's however due to some other financial stress i had to let go of the setup(did not buy the 4k monitor only the 1080's).

Now i think a single 3070 should be able to manage 40-60fps in most titles thats what i am aiming for. CPU wise i will get something like a 3700x(or 10/7nm intel counterpart) which should be enough. If some title is not playable i can always drop down to 2k/ go for 3070 sli(again depends on which game we are talking about) Only game which have pushed me to make stupid decision are GTA4/GTA5/Assassins creed syndicate.
I am using Acer Predator XB1 2K, the 27-inch monitor. Earlier I was using a Dell 4K monitor and also a curved 4K monitor (which I had listed for sale in sales thread).
GPU's in SLI is something which I would never recommend. There's never a good gain in the games. Developers don't give a f*** about optimizing for the SLI setups. They know that not more than 1 percent of users would be there using such setups. Also, a better CPU would give you some gain but don't be too reliant on that. For 4K gaming, you need optimized games rather than very fast GPU's. 2080 and 2080 Ti have enough juice to power 4K easily, only if developers optimize their games (very unlikely).

On a decent 2K monitor, you would be loving the gameplay with such beauty.
I have this experience personally. I used 40 inch 4K and was always trying to make changes in the settings to get the games playable. Sometimes there would be fps drop, sometimes stuttering or lags due to latency and what not. Then playing on an enough large screen was difficult sitting up close as you have to move your head a lot to analyze what's going on. Also a small 27-inch 4K would be useless.
This all became more frustrating than the fun which I was anticipating like you're right now within a year. Constantly bellringing to get perfect gameplay became so obstructive, I decided to go for a 2K. Also, 4K monitors rarely have good latency.

Als also nothing is 6-8 years these days when new tech keeps coming up and your fingers always tempted to look it up on stores to get the perfect deal or an emi to get something new. Better to enjoy playing now and not think too much of 5 years later. I am loving the beautiful Witcher 3, GTA V, Unity and so many other games from my 100+ from steam which were all underplayed earlier.
And as I always say, YMMV.
OK i get your point on 4k Gameplay thing, Sure i will give this one some serious though or drop some serious dough to get the best of what is available. Regarding upgrade itch i have some discipline there, Current monitor is already 6+years old and i am already holding it for another year before upgrading, Upgrade itch i will get for CPU only as far as i know myself. As long as fps is in range of 35-40 i wont get it a second look. Will be upgrading GPU only if it lags below 25fps.

Witcher 3 i have played at 30fps and it was well playable. Maybe once i upgrade the screen i might seethe games in new light ?

I am seriously considering your advise of getting a better 2k screen rather than going 4k considering its not yet optimized well enuf on both games/monitor. Let me do some more research there, and yes 27 inch is what i will be buying nothing bigger as it seems pointless to use as desk for gaming.
HI Guys,

I am currently running below specs,

4790k - 3.5years
Gigabyte H97 board - 3.6years
32gb Ram
512gb ssd
Gtx 1070 -2.5 years
1080p 60hz display. -6years

I am confused as to what my upgrade path should be. I would like to game on 4k @60hz nothing higher mostly.

I have budget for this year end to either go for CPU(ryzen 4700x ?) + MOBO + RAM + NVme upgrade or get a decent 4k screen around 30-35k and a new gpu preferably 3070(would do this only when current gpu turns 4) when it releases.

Looking at my current specs can you guys suggest what would be better to upgrade first ?
RIP Intel

AMD is the way to go nowadays

AMD Gaming RIG (GTX1660 6GB Super)
Budget -96.4K

Processor -AMD Ryzen 3 3300X -11.2k
Motherboard -Asrock B450 Steel Legend -8.2k
Graphics Card -Zotac GTX1660 6GB Super Mini -19k
RAM -G.Skill SniperX 3600Mhz 16GB DDR4 (8GBx2) -7.5k(primeabgb.com)
SSD -Intel 660P 1TB M.2 SSD -10.3k
Power Supply -Antec NE550M 550w -4k
Cabinet -Antec DF500 RGB -4k
Monitor -Acer Nitro VG270P 27Inch FHD LED IPS Monitor -17.1k(Primeabgb.com)
KB+Mouse -Cooler Master Masterkeys LITE L -3.9k
Case Fan -Cooler Master Masterfan MF120L RGB -1.1k
Speakers -F&D A521X Multimedia Bluetooth 2.1 Speakers -4.5k
UPS - APC 1.1KVA UPS -5.6k (Amazon.in)
Total -96.4K

All above prices are taken from vedantcomputers unless specified above, since they don't charge payment gateway charges and offers free shipping to all parts of India.
Hey dude..Thanks but not looking for components suggestions rather then advise on the upgrade path to take...so from the suggestions recieved here and from friends will be going for CPU + MOBO + RAM by this year end and would buy screen and gpu next year end which would mean more budget so better hardware :)
What CPU Mobo combo you are going after ? AMD has broke news about only B550, X570 and above would support upcoming Zen 3 - Ryzen 4000 series CPUs - probably last on AM4 socket.
i will most likely look at either a 4700x or 4900x(if budget allows) + X570(latest of whats available) + 32gb Ram's

Budget around 40k(cpu)+15-18k(Mobo)+14k(ram)+AIO(10-12k) total around ~90k.
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