PC Peripherals Upgrade Laptop's WLAN Module

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I have a HP 6510b laptop and it comes with an Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG WLAN Module. Yesterday I was checking eBay US and saw that the Intel 5100 & 5300 Wireless N Modules are available for approx $14 and $22 respectively shipped from Hong Kong sellers. :)

So I thought about buying it, but later saw in few forums that only specific modules whitelisted in the laptop BIOS will work with the laptop and certainly the newer WLAN modules are not whitelisted in the BIOS.

I was wondering if anyone here have tried upgrading the WLAN module and was successful. I read that you can manually add the module you want to install to the BIOS Whitelist by editing the BIOS. Has anyone tried this option?
Its better if you buy it from a local market...

My friend recently upgraded his vostro`s wireless card from NP for around Rs 700...

It was a very simple step to replace the WLan Module..But not all WLAN work for all system....!!
^ To which WLAN Adapter did he upgrade to?

I opened the back cover of my laptop and saw the WLAN Module and I think I can do it myself. Do you know the price of the Intel 5100 or Intel 5300 WLAN Modules locally?
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