Upgrade PSP v3.4

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Can I upgrade the above version to the latest Wirelessly??
My daughter got the new Simpsons game and it requires a newer version.TIA
If you have a wireless connection to the internet, almost surely yes.

The option in the XMB is Settings->Network Update.

Some more info would get you a more detailed reply. viz. Current version of firmware, is it custom firmware??

Thanks elendil. The firm ware is 3.40 oe-A. When the game is inserted in the PSP the menu says upgrade to 3.41 or some thing sorry, the PSP is not going to be near me for another ten odd days. Why don't the game manufacturers load a driver update option on their game Cd. I Googled around and figured out the game requires v3.71(or sumtin). Sorry to be vague as I said the PSP is not round and I have Zilch knowledge about it.
Unless I am dead wrong the game UMD should have the update bundled into it. It might ask you if you want to update, say yes and it will do so.
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