User Guides Upgrading Guide: Conroe Vs X2

With Conroe formaly Core 2 Duo out and AMD following them by reducing thier proccy prices(X2 Mainly) in counter attack move there is a big confusion in the minds of an end user on what to buy. By no means am i saying that you should follow what i am suggesting but do have a read and then follow what you feel/suits you.

No doubts that Intel has bounced back and has turned tables for AMD upside down by releaseing thier latest offereings but there is a catch in this situation. You just dont need a CPU to have a complete system. You need to feed it up with some decent RAM and a equally decent board. On top of that if you want all the high end features from a mobo and are thinking about some decent overclocking then you need to buy a High end board.

With Conroe's Indian Pricing still not out(We do have a hint that the lowest counterpart aka the 6300 would be available for approx 10K in coming weeks) and scarce availability of the mobos the situation gets different. Also the Pricing for a decent Conroe board will be approx 15K and thereabouts. Adding 2 GB of DDR2 to it will cost you anywhere between 8K to 10K. Adding it all up we arrive at a figure of about 35K.

But when we look at the AMD's offerings as of now the situation is a bit different. An AMD X2 3800 is now available for about 8.5K and a 4200 for about 12K. Adding with up with a decent mobo lets say a A8N E will cost another 5K and a 2GB of RAM as of now cost about 7.5K.If we take a 3800 into the equation the total setup will set you back by 21K. Approximately 14K difference between a Conroe and an AMD X2 setup.

But is that 14K difference really worth it. I would say somewhat "YES". Cause reports indicate that the lowest of Conroe's when overclocked performos equal to an High end AMD setup. And by high end we are taking into account an AMD FX 62.

But (Yes there is a but) what about people who are already on a 939 platform. Well for them its the worse situation. Or if they think so. If you are gamer then this situation is actually the best for you. How, Lets take an example of a person running a Venice 3000+ on an ASUS A8N E with 1 GB of RAM. Now for him a Conroe setup is about 25K(Keeping in account he will be able to get rid of his existing AMD setup for around 10+ K). Thats still a lot of money cause sometime last year for the same AMD setup one would have spent almost 20K. A 10K drop is a definate NO NO. What to do. Well just get rid fof the exisiting Proccy. You end up with a X2 3800+ dual core chip for about 6K(Keeping in mind that the venice gets sold for approx 2.5+ K or so). And by no means a 3800+ is a bad performer when it comes to gaming. Infact all the current batches of X2 3800 clocks to 2.6GHz with ease. And i am sure non of the games demands so much power. So for peeps already on Socket 939 it dosent make sense to jump on a Conroe platform.

Well now some people will come in defense of Conroe's stating the performance jump is massive from 939 to conroe's. Well think of it like this. By Jan next year Quad cores of both AMD and Intel will be available. And we all know what they will be able to do. Now if somebody who is already on a Decent Socket 939 platform jumps to an Conroe platfrom by spending 25K sees that in six months again his setup is obsolete(Remeber he spent about 20 K last year same time too). So even after spending 50K within a Year his platform is not up there(Remember i am just taking into account Mobo + CPU + RAM and 50K is a big figure for these three). So jumping from a a 939 to Conroe dosent make sense at all.

And dont get me started on peeps who are on a AMD Dual core platform as of now. For them it dosent make sense at all as they would have spent almost 40K last year for thier setup. For them to upgrade to conroe it will be another 20K. And they wont notice any major difference as i am sure most peeps on dual core would have overclocked thier rigs. For them the $$$ figure even gets bigger in six months time.

So the crux of the matter according me is :

If you are buying a newsetup... Look for a Conroe eyes closed.

If you upgrading from a Pentium D setup or a Pentium 4 Setup Conroe makes sense.

If you are jumping from Socket 939 Single core platform to Conroe then think twice. Its a tricky situation as of now. An AMD X2 is good for you. You get to keep the same Board + RAM and invest a small sum(As compared to conroe setup in full).

If you are jumping from an AMD dual core setup then either you have big pockets or you are Brain Dead(No offense).

I dont mind flames but back it up with facts. Do let me know you feedback regarding the same.
Thanks switch, this article has given me a peace of mind:)

Now, opening the X2 3800+ fund collection box today:p will be full in 3 or 4 months:ashamed:
Well I indeed sold my dual core Opty rig oced upto 2.7ghz but for different reasons. I needed a laptop. And because I dont have big pockets (yup that makes me brain dead :p) I had to sell it before major price drops (like now :p)

Now again I am looking for a rig to buy and I am looking very keenly at the present scenario!

I am not actually aware of the current prices of x2 3800 AM2 platform. Because that would leave upgrade path open for going the quad core way (possibly.....) but the thing is a lot could change (I really mean it, like change to DDR3, rapid availability of very fast and very cheap DDR2 at low latencies, which cost a bomb now (case in point: Corsair 6400C3), AM3, K8L, HT3.0, etc, etc.) so the best bet for my situation would be:

amd x2 "939" 3800+

some manageable mobo capable of around 280-300 mhz HTT speed (does a8n-e v2 fall in this category?)

2gb of decent low-lat ram (dividers ki jai ho!)

Just use this (I have everything else already.... 7800gt, xfi, fsp 700, slb, hdd, etc, etc.) and RESIST all instincts to suddenly change over to Conroe and then face a very grim situation in a half-years time (all NEW goodies coming up and you not having the morale to blow cash all over again.)

+ + + the Step 6 chips are NOT GREAT overclockers, ofcourse they beat AMD's ass..... but by how much?

Lets see :D
Switch what you said in there is soo true ;)
but the difference between the X2 3800 for 21k and conroe 6300 for 35k is just too wide. You can invest the money saved on a better GPU. I say no its not worth it.
dont flame me for this :ashamed:
:) Nice facts switch...

1. Regarding the conroe proc there is still a lot of doubt about its availability even abroad. I was going through forums on toms hardware anandtech et all..If you know even the am2 procs are still not available in India.:) :)

2. 75% of Intel's fabrication plants will be still making the older procs atleast till this year end. So they might be dumping those in India..Recently there has been a lot of ads on the dual core(Pentium D) and not the core2...

3.Toms hardware has an article on amd and intel price/performane vis their low end procs...

4.If someone is buying a proc in about a month and he is not going for the high end(you send 10k for the 6300) it might be better to get something like the x2 4200 since their prices would drop a lot.Buy ggod ddr2 ram..Then next year begginning when mobos for core2 would be commonly available get the core2 and the mobo..:) :)

Anyone contacted the intel official dealers(mentioned in their web page for India.)What do they say??
to complicate matters further, for setups on 754 socket with AGP, like me :), things are really crossroads. If I have to upgrade, I need to do a complete overhaul. and upgrade only means going the conroe way because of s754 :(. but I will also need a PCIe graphics card. so add another 15k min to the total which is now 50k. that is if i dont sell the existing rig.

neither do I have deep pockets nor am I brain dead ;). so i'm staying put with my good ol' s754 and invest in a decent LCD for the time being. on current setup i can run most current games will full details and still get about 35+ fps. good enough for me.
Karan said:
amd x2 "939" 3800+
some manageable mobo capable of around 280-300 mhz HTT speed (does a8n-e v2 fall in this category?)
2gb of decent low-lat ram (dividers ki jai ho!)
hahaha :bleh:

yeah it does :hap2:
@raj_Pol And out of those 25% conroe's about 24% will be sucked in by all the major OEM's(Dell/HP) for being partial to Intel. In this situation Dell will suck up all that is availble with Intel every single drop of it so dont expect Conroe's in quantity now :no:

@Spitefulpentium... Welll Gfx cards have always been a sad story for everybody :p... But its not a bad idea to jump from a Socket 754 to a Conroe... If you have the money and you feel the need(The need for speed) go with conroe eyes closed ;)... Wont regret it...
thanks a lot Switch my pal you have helped me a lot in deciding :hap2:

I had gotten tired of telling the same thing to Funky, Darky, Karan etc.... for quite some time but they won't listen as they have huge pockets :p

atleast you understand :clap:
btw........thks switch.......i also made my mind to settle on x2 3800+........

but the only question in my mind now is i go for 2gb ddr ram...considering ill b installing vista and runing games wont my money on ddr will get wasted(though no plans of changing system till l8 next year).......i mean when i upgrade to ddr2........or when ddr3 comes we again need to upgrade is ddr 3 goin to come soon????????
Dont rule out the Step 6 OC'ability...

We havent seen a 6300/6400/6600/6700 Stepping 6, OCing.
Just coz the Step 6, X6800 isnt as good, doesnt mean that the C2D's will be bad.

@ Switch, Did you read my post in the Conroe Mobo Discussion thread?

E6600's are already here in India. ;). Theyre just waiting for the go ahead to start sellin.

Id agree with Switch though. On his first post.
If you are buying a newsetup... Look for a Conroe eyes closed.
If you upgrading from a Pentium D setup or a Pentium 4 Setup Conroe makes sense.
If you are jumping from Socket 939 Single core platform to Conroe then think twice. Its a tricky situation as of now. An AMD X2 is good for you. You get to keep the same Board+ RAM and invest a small sum(As compared to conroe setup in full).
If you are jumping from an AMD dual core setup then either you have big pockets or you are brain Dead(No offense).

Its quite right..
:) Yes that's one thing if dell does release a few machines with the core 2..From my observations among the branded guys in India dell is faster than the others in releasing new products....:)

Otherwise we still have the amd 3000+:bleh: :bleh:
i just sold my p4 proc n mobo last week and am waiting for conroe pricing and then will see the price vsp erformance n buy something in a jiffy :D

really gr8 article,coz u took the pain 2 write,reps 4u :)
Nice article !!! And as for me, I dont have money for anything..... going to be sticking to 3200+ @2.45 ghz and 1 GB UCCC and 6800 GT for a looong time....
hehe nikhil U are not alone ... me stickin to my A642800+,1GIG ch-5s and 9600 pro :S for atleast a year

Me plannin on switchin to AMD dual core coz i dont wanna buy new memory lol
Il upgrade only if smth gives twice the perf of my opty 170 at default clocks...Il wait for the major quad core..and go for prob the "next to the flagship " model...
but smhw if u r running a 3000+ upgrading to 6300 with a low end Mobo(r there any) looks decent unless u r just a gamer...