0-20k Upgrading old HTPC

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Hey all

Upgrading my old HTPC

Q: What is your budget?

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel E6300
Motherboard - Asus P5LD2 VM-SE
GPU - ATI 6670 (new)
RAM - Transcend 2X1GB DDR2
Monitor - Sony 40" LCD (not going to upgrade :P)
SMPS - Corsair CX430V2 (new)

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
GPU - ATI 6670
Monitor - Sony 40" LCD
SMPS - Corsair CX430V2

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
CPU - Intel Pentium Processor G630
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Motherboard
RAM - G.Skill NT DDR3 4 GB (1 x 4 GB) PC RAM

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Preferably online purchase (ready to spend 100-300 extra to save hassles) - Flipkart

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Watching HD movies

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
Known brands with good A.S.S

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Desktop - 1920x1080

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit

My only doubt is whether the Intel G630 is good enough for this purpose or should I go for Core i3? The motherboard seems solid and I like it.
@Sei, this should be enough --
Intel Pentium G630 ~3500/- (should be enough for HD RIPz viewership, if you want extra muscle for the future then the Core i3 3220 ~7500/- is called for) Bench run -->AnandTech - Bench - CPU.
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1 ~1100/- (add another RAM module later)

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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^ I had gone through your suggestions in different threads and zoned down on these components. Guess I zoned down right! :)

U meant to say the above combi is more than enough for HD rips.. on max bit rate??? Onboard HDMI??? No external Gfx card required??
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Hey @ALPHA17, quick question -

What is the main difference between Core i3-540 and Core i3-2120? Enough to warrant a Rs 2000 price difference?
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U meant to say the above combi is more than enough for HD rips.. on max bit rate??? Onboard HDMI??? No external Gfx card required??

Upto 1080p is fine, anything over that and you need a more powerful iGP likes 'Llano' and 'Trinity' with DL-video output connectors.

The other option is adding a relatively tame HD5*** / HD6*** series card.

What is the main difference between Core i3-540 and Core i3-2120? Enough to warrant a Rs 2000 price difference?

Big difference, the Core i3-5** is gen I Intel processors with integrated iGP's on die, based of the now defunct Intel LGA 1156 socket.

The Core i3-21** are gen II Intel processor (Sandy-Bridge), they carry a slightly better iGP and are more power efficient than the latter, also the socket is LGA 1155.

The newer is worth the ~2000/- quid difference.

Performance difference in benchmark(s) run -- http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/143?vs=289.
Upto 1080p is fine, anything over that and you need a more powerful iGP likes 'Llano' and 'Trinity' with DL-video output connectors.

The other option is adding a relatively tame HD5*** / HD6*** series card.

I am planning to get the stuff this month end before i go home.... will bump up my thread once more before taking the plunge :D
Okay, bit the bullet --


If anyone has any concerns regarding this, type now or forever hold your breath. (I can still cancel before they ship it out :P)
Sei just to know, as it is an htpc and you are using hd6670 , why you are upgrading?
any bottlenecks playing hd movies ?
Sei just to know, as it is an htpc and you are using hd6670 , why you are upgrading?
any bottlenecks playing hd movies ?

Frankly speaking, it is running perfectly fine except a few hiccups here and there but the hardware is too old - 6th year now!

I don't want it to conk off on me and then wait till I again have sufficient cash to buy everything. It's been a long pending upgrade.
Pricing on flipkart.com is funny, for the newer G630 you actually pay lesser than the older G620.
^ yeah, I just noticed that after luster gave the link. :(

They keep changing the prices according to the demand of the product and lots of G620s must have been sold. I remember when I bought the 6670, the price on flipkart increased by Rs. 80 or Rs. 100 the very next instant.

Cancelled the order for G620. Will buy G30 as soon as the money reflects in my Flipkart "Wallet".
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