Upgraditis of Shutterbug...

Congrats ! Actually I dont care too much about the D90 since i believe the photographer is much more important. However I have checked your website and I must say you have taken some really amazing pics. :)
@Rockfella: Umm... to summarize in simple words...

* New sensor, slightly larger and with self-cleaning feature.

* More megapixels... although MPs are overrated, larger picture always give you more creative freedom for cropping.

* Faster continuous shooting (3fps RAW on D70s vs. 4.5fps RAW on D90).

* Pentaprism viewfinder vs. Pentamirror on D70s.

* Live view. Large and higher resolution LCD (3", 920,000 dots screen vs. 2", 130,000 dots screen on D70s)

* Better ISO performance.

* 11-point focus vs. 5-point focus on D70s.

* 12-position WB override against 6-position on D70s.

... and so on and so on. :)

If you want more detailed numbers, side-by-side : Digital Cameras Side-by-Side, 2 cameras: Digital Photography Review
Nice DSLR. Even I want to buy one but am confused that would I be able to use one after spending so much of money as am total noob in photography. All I know is point and click :p
Amazing camera and expensive too. Wise choice. Congrats :D

Please update the thread with some pics & BTW saw your deviant .. nice pics there :)
Wow...dude, congrats! One of the, if not THE best APS-C sensors out there!

Enjoy the HD recording as well and show us clips sometime. :)

Happy clicking!