PC Peripherals UPS -- output flickers

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I have a Microtek Maxpower 600VA UPS which is connected to my Inverter

It basically powers my LCD,CRT,Router,Cordless phone for the 1 second it takes for inverter switchover and acts ac a AVR as well (I hope)

The issue is that, recently the LED on the power strip connected to this has started blinking whenever it goes on battery.
If I connect any non electronic device like a Stabilizer to it (I did that to check the output voltage), it rapidly goes on and off
This doesnt happen with my other UPS which is a Microtek Heritage Model

i) Will this rapid on/off cause any issues to the equipment (They dont switch off, but the LCD screen, not the rest of the electronics or the backlight, just the screen does sometimes turn off for a second when on battery)
ii) Is this repairable, if so, any idea how much Microtek charges for this type of repair and visit charges?
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