Urgent Help!! Needed!

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Thought to get a lab or a retriever pup,been ages since we have been on this failed campaign(tht is me and my bro),my bro went out,came back to find this CUTE lil street pup sitting outside the gate,after some time it just walked right inside the gate,after seeing how weak it is,didn't have the heart to shoo it away..gave some milk and some tiny biscuit bits.It looks weak,dunno how old it is,Now I need to know what to feed a pup,this pup could be 2-3 weeks old at the most,cause I have no clue whatsoever..

Would really appreciate if someone could really help me out on this.:)
First of all, I suggest you take it to a VET and get it checked for rabies, etc... And then see if it is healthy in other aspects. Then ask the VET what to feed it, how to take care oif it, etc..... Also, make sure the VET treats the dog with the standard shots, vaccinations, etc...
^^ Yup, that should be fine. And they'll survive on Milk for the next 3-4 weeks so don't unnecessarily add any solids
yeah man, pics please....

And it's a great thing u r doing by adopting a homegrown breed ( I kinda find the word mongrel a lil demeaning ) instead of a so called pedigreed pup
:( Sorry guys,I couldn't post the pics,apparently the :cens2: owner came.She tells me tht the she had adopted it and it had run away from her compound(yeah right,I can hardly beleive tht a weak pup can travel 1 km from where she is staying)and she would like to have the pup back.Of course at first I didn't believe her but then I asked if this is your pup then is there any significant mark on any part of it's body tht you might know so I will be satisified tht you are the true owner.Unfortunately she knew the mark it had on it's right leg and I had no other choice but to give it back to her.

If it wasn't a woman,I would have punched the person in the face for letting a small pup like tht run away.I seriously think tht she must have dropped the pup in my neighbourhood and had second thoughts of taking it back.After giving the pup,I feel kinda empty inside me...Hell! my bro is allowing me to play the 360 but to tell you the truth I don't give a @!$!% abt the 360 cause playing with the pup was more fun.
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