Urgent::UPS,Printer & Router

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Well may be going to lammy again tommorow to collect the above 3 items.....

Now what i am confused is about ups......

I m getting 1kva Apc for 7k...with minimum upto 6.925k whereas 800va cost 5.3k....powercom 1kva cost 4.8k........Since powercom will save my 2.2k buks is it worth going for it????Also whats the advantage and to whom to go with....Any extra stuff i need to buy??

Printer...i have finalized.....mp160....3.5k or 3.6k its cost.....
braintone idiots says it cost 4.8k .....

Router ill be buying buffalo hp g54one........prime says 3.95k...and same with others...50+/-...but someone mentioned its 3.6k but not confirming which shop.....any better or new release abt routers???

Btw prime said 2gb transcend ram stick is available for 1400 max.....earlier she said 1100 i was like confirm it else ill buy it on spot.....got 1550/1500 price from other shops....

Need suggestion about UPS.....

And ya...are the cpu trolley and printer stand worth buying???...they cost 250 and 60 buks respectively....
I have 2 APC (BackUPS RS 800 and SmartUPS 750) and one Powercom 1kv, The Powercom since one year has not had a single problem whilst both my APC units have had some issues, APC after sales service is too good, but the point is that I have had problems with both my APC UPS within one year of purchase. Yesterday my APC SmartUPS UPS gave me a problem which I sorted out myself but before that I had sent an email to APC and I received 2 replies within 12 hours :)

The APC Powerchute power management software is very good compared to the SHI**Y software from Powercom, the APC is connected to the computer via a USB port whilst the Powercom uses a Serial Port.

I ran my system on my APC RS 800 UPS and pulled the power plug to check how long it would run my computer on its battery - it ran for 27 minutes. I then did the same with the Powercom 1kva and it ran my computer for the same 27 minutes :)

IMO The best UPS to buy in this price range is the APC SmartUPS 750i, recently I asked APC where it is available and they gave me this contact for their Sales Manager - Mr .Anil Arora 9821356873
APC without a doubt. Thought their products may set you back by 1k extra, its really worth it. And not to mention their after sales service. They provide free pickup and delivery from your place, which is a big bonus!
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