The Seasonic S12ii 520W is 4k so extra 700 bucks would be worth a lot more.It's your call.
Hmm. Well will see what works out. Right now power to value is won by cx 430. Bro, also kindly let me know hows vip 500 gold? can it handle the rig and oc?
The Seasonic S12ii 520W is 4k so extra 700 bucks would be worth a lot more.It's your call.
Hmm. Well will see what works out. Right now power to value is won by cx 430. Bro, also kindly let me know hows vip 500 gold? can it handle the rig and oc?
Nope don't go for the VIP stick to Corsair and you'll be fine.
Ohk let me see. I want a cheap solution. How about a used vx450?
where in mumbai are these psu's available at the prices you mentioned. wherever i ask its atleast 250-300 or even 500 more!
Bro found the cheapest solution to be a used cm extreme power 500w for 1k. Now my question is, will this handle a cpu oc and still serve the 6850?
I know and understand your suggestions are all a very good solution and i truely appreciate that. But the lack of returns for the older pc parts actually is pushing my budget to the lower end as much as possible. I will be using this rig for not more than 6 months from now.
Appreciate your responses.![]()
A used VX450 would be a good choice,The prices change everyday so few bucks here and there always possible,Try getting quotes from lamington road Mumbai you might get it for lesser price.
Don't go for CM Extreme 500W it's highly unstable unless you want to see smokes coming out of your case i'd say stay away from it.
You have to invest good amount of cash for a better psu so you shouldn't compromise things while getting one,You can sell Cosair CX430V2 after 6 months if you want you'll get a good resale price.
Lost my shoes. Uff. Totally budget ****ed. Well now the only option available is either cx 430 or worst case scenario cm extreme power 500.
Bro, is that cm psu really that bad?
If you really want to blow your GPU with PSU then it's your call,You've 10k GPU in your system so think about that and get the psu.
Bro, have a guy selling the vx450 for 2k + shipping from bangalore. Is it a good deal. With invoice and approx 3 years warranty still over it. Purchased in feb 2011. Else how much should i quote a guy selling vx 550 bought in 2010.
Is it a lot better than it?
It'll do the job for you,What basis are you asking if the VX450 is better?
Thanks Jakob, appreciate your assist.
- - - Updated - - -
Well regarding what basis is that question, is will it handle an oc better than cx and also will another hdd be supported alongwith the oc!
The reason i am all over oc is because at times i game on my 40" bravia and it needs oc to run games smoothly.
Yes it'll handle OC and HDD's better than CX series,Also gaming on 40" bravia won't improve just by Ocing the GPU you simply need better GPU but it'll do the job.
^Get the Corsair VX450 it's worth it,Better than CX430V2.
Its a 2x2 connector. The connector is keyed such that you won't be able to plug it in if you dont insert it in the right orientation. And if you don't connect it, your system just won't power on.He was talking about processor power supply 4x4 connector. Was saying to connect it properly else would blow up the connection. What is this about?