urlSnip.. shorten those long urls.

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I use this:


Welcome to TinyURL!â„¢

Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.
AlbertPacino said:
Have a VERY long url that is just ugly? Shorten it for emails and posts...


@ AP, Nice find. I may dump tinyurl for ur's as it has this cool functionality. No need to copy paste url or even open their webpage. just put it in your link/bookmarks bar.


quickSNIP: snip anywhere, anytime

quickSNIP adds a quick urlSNIP link to your browser's link bar that automatically creates a shortened URL for the current page. The new shortened URL appears in a popup window.

what browsers can i use this with?
quickSNIP has been tested with the following browsers:

Yes,it comes handy from time to time...beside that we are here to provide you the best and the latest from lets say about everything :P

Anyways Enjoy it :)
Another excellent source......


Website URLs are long and difficult to remember. SnipURL allows you to "snip" your long URLs into small, friendly and persistent links for sharing and remembering. Free!

Edit: Some more excellent resources ! :D

Baby URL: www.babyurl.com
Make A Shorter Link: www.makeashorterlink.com
Metamark Shorten: www.metamark.net
Not Long: www.notlong.com
Quick URL: www.qurl.com
Shorlify: www.shorl.com
Snip URL: www.snipurl.com
Tiny Link: www.tinylink.com
Tiny URL: www.tinyurl.com
URL Cut: www.urlcut.com
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