USB Charging cable with 3.5mm jack charger

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I have this BCK-08 Bluetooth which looks like iPod shuffle. Check below link to see how it looks.
This thing has the same port acting as charging port and audio earphones port (so i cannot charge and use it both simultaneously).
Now it came with a USB Cable for charging which has a 3.5mm jack. This cable has gone bad and refuses to charge the bluetooth anymore. The cable was already broken but i was somehow still able to charge by "adjusting" it to proper position but it seems to have broken beyond repair now.
Need to buy a new cable to charge this device now. Can anyone suggest where i can buy one for cheap and it has to work guaranteed.

Bluetooth Link:

I checked on and there are those iPod shuffle charging cables available but they are many a times not even compatible with different generations of the shuffle so i am confused which i should be buying.
Also it would cost like 300 Rs or more from to order that cable and there is no guarantee it will work. Too much risk.

Last option is to buy a new bluetooth device (probably Bluedio I4) which will cost about 1K INR. Don't need any fancy BT.
But first i need to see whether i can get this cable for cheap before buying a new one. This existing one although in not great shape still gives me good battery life.
I am late. In case anybody else needs:
Yes! There is a risk.
We can only be sure if we plug both the cables into an USB port and check the 3.5mm pin for 5 volt DC voltage with a multi-meter.
The alternative: Buy a Micro-USB charger and a 4 pole EP pin and have the pin replaced by someone who can solder. All in, shouldn't cost you more than Rs.150.
Of course, any such cable would be providing power, but incorrect polarity can damage the equipment.
For example, my SunDirect DTH Set-Top-Box uses the following type of cable for AV connectivity.

YELLOW is video ( as most of us know ) and the industry standard. I also have WDTV HD media player using a similar cable, but both both are incompatible with each other.
Guess what? Western Digital has deliberately colored YELLOW pin as WHITE, WHITE Pin as RED and RED pin as YELLOW forcing the consumer to be dependent on them for such a simple consumable. It took a few hours to guess this and reconnect the wires incorrectly to get the correct results.

My point is: Apple could resort to such proprietory wiring tactics whereas MX would follow industry standard hence making it a less riskier and a low price option.
Since his previous cable is not working at all, it will be pretty hard to tell if this MX wire has the correct polarity.

On second thought, I think it won't be too hard. A short test(beep test) using multimeter will tell him which part of the 3.5 connector is connected to which pin of USB cable.
On my first thought, placing a multimeter probe inside a USB male pin would be quite challenging... and hence I suggested to check DC Voltage.
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