PC Peripherals USB TV Tuner for Windows Media Center ?

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How does TV recording work with Windows Media Centre + DTH ? With analogue it was possible

Need suggestion on a good USB TV Tuner Card
Ideally you could buy a DVB-S/S2 tuner card with a slot for the subscriber smart card. But I don't think these are available in India, and there are reports that DTH providers have locked their cards to only work with the set top box its supplied with.

Its probably easier to just use a video capture card and connect it to your DTH STBs outputs.
isnt ir blaster used to program the ir codes from stb remote in wmc . i intend on using composite video with a tv tuner . are any of the desi tv tuners (intex,quantum,enter...) compatible with WMC ?

I intend to use a setup like this

TATA sky hd with Hdmi on HDTV
composite video from the same STB to another room with Ir blaster and tv tuner . Is this possible ? Will this setup work ?

Need inputs from anyone who have used a pinnacle ir blaster remote and receiver before?
Oh, I got confused when you said 'TV Tuner'. The correct terminology would be video capture card. In the setup you described, the STB is the tuner; your card can only capture video from the STB outputs as I said.

An IR blaster to change channels on your STB should be fine. But you would need pretty long cables from your STB to your other room, both for the IR blaster and the composite cables. This will degrade video quality for the composite connection. Don't forget you need another set of cables for audio as well. The other thing I hope you know is that you can't watch one channel on your TV and a different channel on your PC simultaneously.

Tatasky has multi-STB options. It would be much better to get a second STB.
i understand that but the STB in master room is rarely used . The hard part is getting an USB tv tuner /capture card from an indian brand that works with windows media centre
Plus new updates to tatasky HD have limited component and composite outputs to DVD resolutions. Even 720p cannot be seen through those outputs now. You could get up to 1080i through component first. Sadly its not possible now.
i intend on watching tv only occasionally..news,etc thats the reason why i am not getting a STB in my room . The win7/win8 compatibility list only mentions driver support for the particular OS . Many win7 cards do not work on Windows Media Centre so getting a WMC compatible card is little tough
WMC is too picky and is probably only optimised for digital tv antennas. All TV tuners come with their own software.
Alternatively since you say you only need to watch shows sometimes, you could get an external TV tuner too. The only drawback would be that these external tuners have only VGA out and composite input.
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