...use your PC gamepads/Mouse/Keyboards for PS3

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I dont know if this is old news to you PS3 gamers, or if the heading is mis leading but anyway, the Logitech DualAction Gamepad for PC which costs about 1200/- locally works perfectly well with the PS3, which was a surprise for me, as everyone I know gets the second controller as a dual Shock one which is almost doule the price.

Now I have been using 2 Logitech's PC gamepads and 2 PS3 for 4 players Fifa 2009 and it is simply awesome. I am sure even the basic USB Mouse Keyboards would work and there is no need for PS3 branded devices, this seems great for gamers like me who still prefer Keyboard/Mouse for FPS and RTS.

Hope this helps someone..
Six Axis and Dual Shock3 are nothing more than USB controllers. You can use them on PC with the appropriate drivers, so its not wonder that the opposite will work too. As for Mouse/Keyboard Sony never said anything about proprietary PS3 keyboard/mice. You can use any god damn keyboard/mouse as long as it has a USB interface.
Oh the mouse will not work in FPS's, devs specially disable that so the community remains at a balanced level.

But otherwise yeah, if its a USB controller - it'll work on the PS3.
I have heard of a product call Xfps, for kb/mouse experience on the consoles. If it were so easy/cheap who would buy that stuff.
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